March 2018


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Carlos Lopez <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 6 Mar 2018 13:33:41 +1100
text/plain (63 lines)
Hi Ivan

When you say
> no success in merging several files into one

do you mean adding records from 2 or more files ionto a single file
without editing (that is, concatenating 2 or more files of records)?  Or
do you mean doing some sort of batch edit/merge on multiple files?

If you only want to add the records of one (or more) files into another
file, you could have a look at this
( (so if you're
dealing with *.mrk files you'd enter something like
"copy filea.mrk fileb.mrk filec.mrk outputfile.mrk"
into your command window).

On Linux or Mac it's just as easy:
open a terminal window at your folder location and enter
"cat filea.mrk fileb.mrk filec.mrk >> outputfile.mrk"

I hope this helps.


On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 20:55:41 -0500
Ivan E Calimano <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello all... I am at a crossroads regarding merging several files
> into one. I've tried several forms with no results. It is time
> consuming doing it by copy/paste (which it is what I've been doing
> but gave up). There should be a better and faster way to do this. I
> have no idea about expressions and how they work and what they mean.
> I had successfully merged 2 files, one with 001 and 035 into a full
> bib records file. But no success in merging several files into one.
> Your help will be helpful. Ivan
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Carlos Lopez
Dalton McCaughey Library
29 College Crescent
Parkville, VIC  3052

Ph:  +61 3 93408885
Fax: +61 3 86694418
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