We've recently started printing files of records using the "Print a record per page" option, and we've found that in some cases where records are longer than a page, part of the record is cut off when it gets to the end of a page. For example, in a record containing:
=520 \\$aOverview: An innovative and illuminating look at how the evolution of the human species has been shaped by the world around us, from anatomy and physiology, to cultural diversity and population density. Where did the human species originate? Why are tropical peoples much more diverse than those at polar latitudes? Why can only Japanese peoples digest seaweed? How are darker skin, sunlight, and fertility related? Did Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens ever interbreed? In Humankind, U.C. Davis professor Alexander Harcourt answers these questions and more, as he explains how the expansion of the human species around the globe and our interaction with our environment explains much about why humans differ from one region of the world to another, not only biologically, but culturally. What effects have other species had on the distribution of humans around the world, and we, in turn, on their distribution? And how have human populations affected each other's geography, even existence? For the first time in a single book, Alexander Harcourt brings these topics together to help us understand why we are, what we are, where we are. It turns out that when one looks at humanity's expansion around the world, and in the biological explanations for our geographic diversity, we humans are often just another primate. Humanity's distribution around the world and the type of organism we are today has been shaped by the same biogeographical forces that shape other species.
=650 \0$aHuman geography.
=650 \0$aHuman evolution.
The end of the 1st page of the printout has:
the world, and we, in turn, on their distribution? And how have human populations affected each
followed by a 1/2 line (the top half of characters in the following text, cutting off at the bottom of the page with a small margin):
other's geography, even existence? For the first time in a single book, Alexander Harcourt brings
followed directly (on the next page, following a large top margin) by:
=650 \0$aHuman geography.
=650 \0$aHuman evolution.
Is there a way to get the records to print out without truncating the text of fields that end up at the bottom of a page break? Also, is there a way to change the size of the margins? In some cases, they seem a bit larger than they need to be.
Thank you,
Bryan Baldus
Senior Cataloger
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses
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