Sort of.
Say in file A we have the following:
001 1
901 A
001 2
901 A
001 3
901 A
Where 001 is the OCLC number and 901 is an institution identifier.
In file B we have:
001 2
902 B
001 3
902 B
001 4
902 B
I want a file that contains All 001s and merges the records that are the
same to get:
001 1
901 A
001 2
901 A
902 B
001 3
901 A
902 B
001 4
902 B
The idea is to find out how much duplication of resources there are in our
collections across the consortium.
So I think your second option is what I want to do. Išll try that and see
what happens.
On 21/12/13, 11:31 AM, "Terry Reese" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>So, let me try and understand. You want to take the two files and merge
>them together so you get a unique file of records? Is that what you are
>looking to do? If it is, use the Dedup records tool. From the main
>Tools/Dedup Records. You'd select the two files, and match on the control
>number. That should create a file of unique records. If you are looking
>get a set of unique records, but with some data from the duplicate record
>merged into the unique record, you could use the merge record tool, but
>need to join the two files you want to process together with MARC Join.
>Then in the Merge tool, select the source file, and then check process
>source file -- this will both merge and dedup the data in the source file.
>Use MARC21 for matching -- and then sit back and wait -- because this is
>going to get a long time to process. MarcEdit merge tool uses a lot of
>matches and will need to track a lot of data and store large trees of data
>in memory -- so it will definitely take a while to process.
>Does that help? I'm not sure -- because I'm not completely sure I
>understand what you are trying to do :)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
>[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Bothmann, Robert L
>Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2013 11:02 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] how do I merge files to include all records
>I'm trying to compare the unique vs. shared records across 7 institutions.
>My thought for how to do this was to get the OCLC numbers from each
>institution, add a unique identifier for the institutions, and then merge
>the records and see which 001s with OCLC numbers end up with more than one
>institution identifier. However, I can't seem to get two files to fully
>So I have two files, one with 345,904 records (A) and one with 792,935
>records (B). I want to merge them such that the unique records in both
>end up in the merge file along with the merged records. I thought if I
>use A
>as the source and B as the merge then when the resulting file has at least
>792,935 records then I will have been successful. But I can't figure out
>to do this. None of the merges will let me.
>Is there a way to do this, or a better method anyone might know of?
>Bobby Bothmann
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