February 2011


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"Reese, Terry" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Feb 2011 09:21:08 -0800
text/plain (87 lines)
Well, realistically, there isn't a good regular expression method for removing these extra spaces.  You'd think a simple regular expression like this might do it:

Find: $$/m
Replace: \n

What this should do -- find two blank lines, evaluating multiple criteria.  However, here's why it won't work.  That last blank line separating the record isn't evaluated as part of the regular expression.  Something you have to remember, MarcEdit's regular expressions when searching over multiple lines queries data as "records".  In MarcEdit, that's the data from the LDR statement to the last field -- so the new lines are never seen.  That's why you can't use Find/Replace to delete those values.  

So how can you clear the extra lines -- compile the data to MARC and then rebreak it.  In MarcEdit, new lines are dropped when compiling -- they just serve as handy breaks to denote new records.  Since the mnemonic format is really just a readable format for those working with the data -- MarcEdit doesn't care how many lines you put between records -- as long as there is one.

So, if I take your data set and recompile the data from the mnemonic to MARC and then back to the mnemonic -- the extra lines disappear.  And since I'm assuming you are using the mnemonic format to load the data (because the data as it stands wouldn't be importable via MARC into most systems since indicator values look incorrectly formatted) -- that probably would solve your immediate question.


Terry Reese, Associate Professor
Gray Family Chair 
for Innovative Library Services
121 Valley Libraries
Corvallis, Or 97331
tel: 541.737.6384

> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Adalid Ortiz
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 5:04 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] ISIS to KOHA deleting extra line/field
> Hi all, I'm in the final step of the process to migrate from CDS/ISIS
> to KOHA. I'm
> using a FST (Field Selection Table in Microisis) in order to generate a
> ISO file
> from ISIS to convert to MARC21 using Marcedit. That FST give me an
> extra line
> in the 952 field (\\952 $0 )that adds an extra ITEM in KOHA. Ej.
> =LDR  005560000000001690004500
> =050  \\$aPT 2621.A26 $bM3d
> =020  --$a9687232048
> =100  1-$aKafka, Franz$d, 1883-1924
> =245  13$aLa metamorfosis $c/ Franz Kafka
> =260  --$aM{82}xico $b: Dante/Quincenal$c, 1986
> =300  --$a123 p. $c; 17 cm
> =500  --$aTraducci{Ostrok}n de: Die Verwandlung
> =650  -4$aAustria $x- Literatura $x- Novela
> =650  -4$aNovela austriaca
> =952  \\$aTJNA$bTJNA$8AG$p024059$oPT 2621.A26M3d$tej.2$yLIBRO
> =952  \\$aTJNA$bTJNA$8AG$p018413$oPT 2621.A26M3d$tej.1$yLIBRO
> =952  $oPT 2621.A26M3d  **(This is the extra line) ***
> =LDR  004850000000001450004500
> =050  \\$aKV 172 $bK45
> =100  1-$aKelsen, Hans
> =245  10$aDerecho y paz en las relaciones internacionales $c/ Hans
> Kelsen ;
> traducci{Ostrok}n de Florencio Acosta
> =260  --$aM{82}xico $b: Nacional$c, 1980
> =300  --$a209 p. $c; 17 cm
> =650  -4$aPaz (Derecho internacional)
> =650  -4$aDerecho internacional p{Dstrok}blico
> =700  1-$aAcosta, Florencio
> =952  \\$aTJNA$bTJNA$8AG$p009101$oKV 172K45$tej.1$yLIBRO
> =952  $oKV 172K45 **(This is the extra line) ***
> How can remove this last line in a batch file of 100, 1000, etc.
> without remove
> the info in the correct and complete 952 Field.
> Gracias de antemano.
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