The validator message is generic. If you read below, it will give some additional information about the error.
I've been trying to make sure that the field count handles errors better through. If you can send me the file, I'd be happy to see why it's throwing the error.
Finally, yes, it was the elbow. It's healing. The bones are still broken, but I've got a lot of metal holding me together. So much so that they are letting me start light physical therapy to try and start regaining range of motion. Which is good and bad. On the one hand, its good because I can start using my right hand to type, and do light work (like eat). Bad because I sometimes forget that I'm hurt and that could be bad if I were to try and pick up something heavy because it could still damage the bones while they heal. But I'm staying careful and trying to let things just heal up.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarcEdit support in technical and instructional matters
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Wilson, Margaret
> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 12:25 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [MARCEDIT-L] problem with field report and validator
> Terry,
> I hope your arm--elbow, wasn't it?--is well-healed and functional by
> now!
> I love the field count report--it is a big help in identifying
> problems. I am having some problems with it, however. I split a file
> of over 10,000 records into 3 files. When I asked for a report on the
> first file I got an error message and was told to use the validator (it
> would be nice if I could get a report regardless of errors).
> The validator reported that the 007 length was 14, when the expected
> length was 8. This is true now but older records, I believe, did
> indeed have 14 characters.
> I then deleted all the 007 fields and asked again for a field count
> report. Again I got an error message and was told to use the
> validator. I did so and found an additional two records that were
> problems. When I did a "find" on those records they were not retrieved
> by either 001 or 245, even though I had loaded the entire file.
> I then used the delete function to remove the two problem records, and
> again asked for a field count report. Again I got an error message and
> was told to use validator, which I did. The validator retrieved the
> same two records, even though they had been deleted (or at least the
> field count was now two fewer).
> Another problem I have had in the past was when I split a file manually
> (i.e. I did not use the split function) the field count was the same as
> the larger file.
> Margaret Wilson
> Electronic Resources Cataloger
> KU Libraries
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