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April 2021


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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 16:08:43 +0000
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From: Joan Bristol <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 12:06 PM

Subject: OPPORTUNITY: present at Early Americas Workshop!!

Dear Graduate students,

If you have a topic that you would like to present at Early Americas Workshop in the fall (or any time) please let me know! It is a great way to get feedback on a work in progress, or even a nascent idea, and it is also a great way to get to know more people at Mason. You can present a seminar paper, a conference paper, etc. We are up for anything! It is also, I would like to think, fun. It is nice to get together with people who want to engage with your ideas and help you build on them.

We define "Early America" broadly -- the whole hemisphere, of course, and also well into the nineteenth century.

So please let me know if you would like to present in the fall, and definitely keep us in mind in general.

Joan Bristol