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March 2009


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
"Mack P. Holt" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Mar 2009 14:01:35 -0400
"Mack P. Holt" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Dear History Ph.D. Students,

The department still has some money in the McKinnon-Morton 
Dissertation fund, so we can award some of it this Spring. If you are 
interested in applying, please submit the following to me via email:

1. Short description of the research to be undertaken (1-2 pp. maximum)
2. Estimated budget for this research (maximum of $1,000 to be 
awarded to any one applicant, and most awards will be less than that)
3. Time-table when research is to be completed

Eligibility: You must be advanced to candidacy to be eligible. 
Students who will advance by August 21, 2009 can apply, but no funds 
will be disbursed to them until they have officially advanced to 
candidacy. Funds can be used starting July 1, 2009 and must be spent 
no later than June 30, 2010. Highest priority will be given to those 
who have not received any McKinnon-Morton funds in the past as well 
as those who have been advanced the longest.

Funds can be spent on travel (transportation and lodging) for 
research trips outside the Washington DC area,as well as other 
legitimate research expenses (microfilming, photocopying, etc.). 
Funds cannot be used for any computer or other hardware (digital 
cameras, etc.), but may be used on software in certain instances.

You should send applications to me via email, to arrive no later than 
5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 1. My apologies for the short notice, but 
we only just learned that we had enough money to offer these funds 
this year. Winners will be announced by April 8 and will be 
recognized at the department's annual awards ceremony on April 21.

Many thanks,
Mack P. Holt
Professor of History
Director of Graduate Studies
George Mason University
Mail Stop 3G1
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Direct office phone: (703)-993-1259
Fax: (703)-993-1251