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March 2011


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Rana Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Mar 2011 07:49:22 -0400
Rana Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (4 kB) , rfitzge1.vcf (4 kB)

> National Archives and Records Administration
> Vacancy Announcement: Student Positions – Digital Strategies and 
> Services Staff
> - Contribute to the National Archives’ online presence: our website,
> social media, online catalog, and mobile apps
> - Earn income while pursuing your degree ($11.91 - $16.33 per hour)
> - Gain valuable work experience
> The Digital Strategies and Services (DSS) Staff seeks students to
> assist the following teams: Technical; Data; Web; and Social Media.
> Duties may include:
> - Developing web and mobile applications
> - Testing new versions of applications, software, and systems
> - Creating web graphics
> - Creating web content and encoding web pages
> - Assisting on social media / Web 2.0 projects, such as blogs, wikis,
> Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Foursquare, and Facebook
> - Preparing and uploading descriptive metadata and digital objects
> - Performing quality control checks of descriptive metadata
> Visit the National Archives online:
> http://www.archives.gov/
> Salary Range: $11.91 - $16.33 per hour, depending on your number of
> credit hours and work experience
> Work Schedule: Part time, depending on your academic schedule.
> Flexible - 15-20 hours a week during the semester, up to 40 hours a
> week in the summer and on breaks.
> Benefits: Annual and sick leave, earned in proportion to the number of
> hours worked.
> Start Date:  Spring or Summer 2011
> Location:
> National Archives and Records Administration
> 8601 Adelphi Road
> College Park, Maryland  20740-6001
> The position is renewable as long as you remain at least a half-
> time student.
> To be eligible, you must be an American citizen.
> Knowledge of Microsoft Office is required, and familiarity with social
> media tools, HTML, CSS, XML, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator is
> preferred.
> Experience with mobile application development for iPhone/iPad,
> BlackBerry, and Android platforms; application development for
> Facebook; Facebook iFrame; FBML; development based on APIs (e.g.
> Flickr, Facebook, Foursquare, and Twitter); design and revision of
> WordPress and Tumblr templates; WordPress plugins; testing of web
> applications, software, and systems; Drupal; PHP; and JavaScript also
> desired.
> Interested students should apply as soon as possible.
> Your application should include:
> 1. a cover letter
> 2. your resume
> 3. a completed Optional Form 612 (form available online:
> http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/of612.pdf  ) [Note: You may leave
> the "Grade(s) applying for" and "Announcement number" fields on the
> form blank.]
> 4. original, official college transcripts (no copies) reflecting all
> levels of education  [Note: You may request your college or university
> directly mail the transcript to us.  It does not need to arrive in the
> same mailing as the rest of your application.]
> 5. a letter from the Registrar of the college or university in which
> you are enrolled in for Fall 2011, verifying your current student
> status  [Note: You may request your college or university directly
> mail the letter to us.  Transcripts do not need to arrive in the same
> mailing as the rest of your application.]
> 6. a completed Optional Form 306 (form available online:
> http://www.opm.gov/Forms/pdf_fill/of0306.pdf )
> 7. a completed Standard Form 181 (form available online:
> http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/sf181.pdf )
> 8. a completed Standard Form 256 (form available online:
> http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdfimage/sf256.pdf )
> Submit your application to:
> Jill Reilly James
> Policy and Planning Staff (NPOL), Room 3200
> National Archives and Records Administration
> 8601 Adelphi Rd.
> College Park, MD 20740-6001
> [log in to unmask]
> Questions?
> Jill Reilly James (301-837-0760 or [log in to unmask]) or Kristen
> Albrittain (301-837-3009 or [log in to unmask])