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March 2009


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
"Mack P. Holt" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Mar 2009 09:34:21 -0500
"Mack P. Holt" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (2209 bytes) , text/html (2810 bytes) , Invitation Financial Crises.pdf (321 kB)
Dear History Graduate Students,

I am passing on this invitation to you to attend the Spring lecture 
series at the German Historical Institute downtown (just off Dupont 

Mack Holt


Dear Mack,

I am writing to you because of your position as Graduate Program 
Director. The German Historical Institute is interested in reaching 
out to graduate students in history especially across the Washington 
Metro Area. As you may be aware, the GHI is an independent institute 
here in Washington, dedicated to the promotion of historical research 
in the United States and in Germany. We offer a variety of lectures, 
seminars and grants as well as a publicly accessible library that may 
be of interest not only to graduate students with interests in German 
and European history, but beyond that to those with wider 
transatlantic, transnational, comparative or global research agendas. 
For example, the GHI currently displays an exhibition on African 
American Civil Rights and Germany and our lecture series this spring 
will look at the global financial crisis from an historical 

Bringing together young scholars with a variety of interests is one 
of the missions of the GHI and we would like to ask if you would be 
willing to share information about the GHI's upcoming events with 
your graduate students (and, of course, interested faculty). Would 
you, for example, be able to distribute event invitations by email or 
display posters or flyers a few times per semester?

Attached you will find an invitation to our upcoming Spring Lecture 
Series Financial Crises: How They Changed History that we would like 
to extend to your students and faculty. For more information about 
the GHI, please visit <http://www.ghi-dc.org/>http://www.ghi-dc.org/ 
or contact me with any questions or comments.


Jan Logemann
   Jan Logemann, Ph.D.
   Fellow in the History of Consumption
   German Historical Institute
   1607 New Hampshire Ave NW
   Washington DC 20009

Mack P. Holt
Professor of History
Director of Graduate Studies
George Mason University
Mail Stop 3G1
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Direct office phone: (703)-993-1259
Fax: (703)-993-1251