From: Brian Platt Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 10:00 AM Subject: FW: Upcoming CHSS Mentoring Lunch History students, The college is holding a mentoring lunch next Thursday, Feb 15th, noon-2:00 pm in George's in the JC. There will be three highly accomplished History alumni who will be there to offer mentoring: - Ed Lengel (BA '91,History), Chief Historian, White House Historical Association; Arts, Education, Nonprofit and Government - Richard Harless, (MA '04 History, PhD '12 History), Adjunct Professor of History, Northern Virginia Community College ; Education - Sharon Deane, (MA '10, History), Exhibit Project Manager and Education Specialist, United States 50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemoration; Arts, Education, Government, Non-Profit These three alums have followed very different paths to successful careers, and their experiences will be relevant to most of you. Please take advantage of this opportunity! Please register HERE<>.