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March 2019


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Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
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Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 Mar 2019 20:03:33 +0000
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From: Joan Bristol
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 12:02 PM
To: Tamara Harvey; George Oberle
Subject: MONDAY 3/25 Hartnett at Early Americas Workshop

Please join us on MONDAY MARCH 25 to hear Caitlin Hartnett present “Fops, Fribbles and Female Husbands: Gender Diversity in 18th-Century Anglo-America.” We will meet in Fenwick 3001 at noon.

The final EAW meeting will be Thursday, April 25, when Urvashi Chakravarty will present “Faithful Covenant Servants and Inbred Enemies.”

On Jan 28, 2019, at 8:20 AM, Joan Bristol <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

Please grab your lunch and join us for the Spring 2019 series of the Early Americas Workshop. All sessions are in Fenwick 3001 at NOON.

Monday, March 25, Caitlin Hartnett will present “Fops, Fribbles and Female Husbands: Gender Diversity in 18th Century Anglo-America.”

Wednesday, May 1, Joan Bristol will present “Mobility, Community, and Belief in the Early Modern Atlantic: Looking at Esperanza Rodriguez, mulata judaizante.”