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August 2014


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Nicole A Roth <[log in to unmask]>
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Nicole A Roth <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:15:41 +0000
text/plain (1771 bytes) , text/html (15 kB) , Monthly Workshops September 2014.pdf (345 kB)
 Library Basics

Learn to navigate the library website for books, articles, and helpful research aids!

Aug. 25th - 2pm

Aug. 28th - 5pm

Sept. 2nd - 2pm

Sept. 23rd - 2pm

Decoding Your Syllabus

Unlock the mystery of your syllabus with this workshop that will help you find and locate the items on your class reading list.

Aug. 26th - 11am

Sept. 4 - 11am


Come learn Zotero, a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

Sept. 5th - 2pm

Sept. 26th - 2pm

Search Strategies

Come learn how to maximize your search in this one hour workshop! Whether searching databases, catalogs or even the web, these tips and tricks will help you improve your research results.

Sept. 8th - 11am

Sept. 25th - 11am

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a powerful research tool that allows you to search across the scholarly literature in a wide variety of disciplines. Come learn how to use it, including the advanced features, the possibilities for your research papers.

Sept. 9th - 5pm

Sept. 29th - 11am

How to Find Articles

Learn about the Library's different tools that are designed to help you find the articles you need.

Sept. 11th - 2pm

Sept. 30th - 5pm

Evaluating Sources

Learn how to determine whether your sources are reliable, accurate, timely, and relevant to your research.

Sept. 15th - 2pm

Narrowing Your Topic

Learn how to narrow your research topic throught the use of library resources.

Sept. 16th - 11am

Citation Basics

Learn how to accurately read, understand, and create citations in different styles and formats.

Sept. 18th - 5pm

Gathering Sources for Lit Review

At some point in your time at Mason, you will be asked to do a literature review. Learn how to get started with this workshop.

Sept. 22nd - 4pm

Thank you,

Royce Gildersleeve

Gateway Library