Call for Papers: "Singular Voices, Multiple Identities"
The 12th Annual Graduate History Symposium
May 5-6, 2016, University of Toronto
Please join us for the 12th Annual Graduate History Symposium (AGHS) to be held on May 5-6, 2016 in the Department of History at the University of Toronto. We invite participants from any discipline to submit papers or panel proposals on the theme of "Singular Voices, Multiple Identities."
From world political leaders to grassroots activists to ordinary citizens, individuals and their beliefs, perceptions, words, and actions shape our understanding of the past. We encourage participants to consider how their research intersects with the idea of the individual and the impact historical persons make on interpretations of the past. In what ways does the individual tell us something different than the many, and does this specificity illuminate or obscure our understandings of the past? In addition, how does taking an individual or individuals as the subject of historical inquiry relate to other conceptual frameworks, theoretical approaches, and methodologies?
The conference will feature a keynote presentation by a leading historian, as well as a scholars' roundtable to address the question "What can the individual tell us about the past?" We are also excited to announce a new partnership with Past Tense Graduate Review of History to offer an essay competition for conference participants. The recipient of this award for the best conference paper will be published in an upcoming issue of Past Tense.
The graduate students of the Department of History at the University of Toronto are pleased to accept paper and panel proposals on any topic related to the conference theme, including, but not limited to, the following:
Authority, influence, and control
Material culture
Colonial and post-colonial histories
Military history
Diasporas, immigration, and migrations
Oral histories
Education, youth, and adolescence
Race and ethnicity
Food histories
Religions, spiritualities, and beliefs
Gender and family histories
Revolutions, rebellions, wars, security, and home fronts
Indigenous histories and Indigenous worlds
Sexualities, intimacies, and LGBTTIQQSA histories
Labour, work, and economies
Technology, science and medicine
Justice and legal histories
Transnational histories
Please submit a 250-word proposal and a short biographical sketch to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by Monday, March 14, 2016. Successful submissions will be notified by the end of March. For more information, please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or visit<>.
Best Regards,
The AGHS Organizing Committee, 2015-2016