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January 2010


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Gretchen Beasley <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 22:20:33 -0500
Gretchen Beasley <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear PhD Students and Faculty,

As some of you may already know (this notice has gone out to PhD students
already), the History Society is planning workshops throughout the Spring
semester.  After speaking with Steve Barnes he suggested that I send out a
"save the date" to all History faculty as there may be some interest in the
first two workshops (on Zotero).

   - *Help!  I Don't Understand the First Thing About Zotero*
      - Monday, 1 February - 5:30 to 7:00 PM in Research 1, Rm 161 (room
      subject to change)
      - Professor Fred Gibbs is running an introductory workshop for Zotero.
      This is a great opportunity to learn how to wrap your head around Zotero
      whilst meeting one of our department's newer professors.
      - Your laptop is a must for this session.  For any reason if you
      cannot bring one, let me know.

   - *I Finally Understand Zotero; Now What?*
      - Monday, 15 February - 5:30 to 7:00 PM in Research 1, Rm 161 (room
      subject to change)
      - Trevor Owens will host an intermediate/advanced Zotero workshop.
      This workshop continues where Professor Gibb's workshop left off in hopes
      that we all become comfortable with what Zotero can do for us.
      - As with the above, your laptop is a must for this session.  For any
      reason if you cannot bring one, let me know.

The current room location is the same room as the PhD colloquium, which is
fairly tight.  If you wouldn't mind sending me an email if you are
interested in one or both of the workshops, that would be fantastic so I can
get a tentative count and try to find an alternative location is there are
more interested than the room can hold.

If there is anything in particular you want addressed in either workshop,
please email me and I will pass it along.

Here's to our mastering of Zotero,