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April 2023


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Steven Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
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Steven Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Apr 2023 17:59:04 +0000
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So sorry to clog your email boxes, but I appear to have left off the time. We are meeting Friday at noon. Info is also here.


Steven A. Barnes
Director, Program in Russian and Eurasian Studies
President, Southern Conference on Slavic Studies
Associate Professor of Russian and Soviet History

George Mason University


Support our Programming in Russian and Eurasian Studies at Mason

Ñëàâà Óêðà¿í³!

From: Steven Barnes
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 10:46 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Friday - Lt. General Mark Hertling (ret.) on The World Reconfigured

The World Reconfigured: Consequences of Russia’s War on Ukraine
Conversation with Lt. General Mark Hertling, U.S. Army (ret.)

[The World Reconfigured: Consequences of Russia's War on Ukraine]

Our weekly online conversations on the global consequences of Russia's war on Ukraine continue with a discussion about the military side of the war and the challenges of authoritarianism with retired U.S. General Mark Hertling.

General information on the series of online conversations.<https://rest.gmu.edu/events/14275>

Lieutenant General Mark Hertling<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Hertling> served in the U.S. Army for 37 years, retiring in 2013 as Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe and the Seventh Army. He served 3 years in combat and carried out a wide variety of operational and training roles. A graduate of West Point with Masters Degrees in Kinesiology, Military Arts and Sciences, and National Security Studies along with a Doctorate in Business Administration, Hertling has since his Army retirement worked for a stretch as a Senior Vice President with AdventHealth. He continues to offer medical leadership programs for various health care systems, and he has since 2014 served as an analyst for CNN in their coverage of the war.

Come join us for a lively interactive discussion. Bring your questions especially but not only about the military side of the war for a discussion with an expert who follows it closely on a daily basis.

This event is brought to you by the Program in Russian and Eurasian Studies<https://rest.gmu.edu/> and the Department of History and Art History<https://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/> at George Mason University and the Department of History<https://www.holycross.edu/academics/programs/history> and the Program in Russian and Eastern European Studies<https://www.holycross.edu/academics/programs/russian-and-eastern-european-studies> at the College of the Holy Cross.

The series is hosted by Cynthia Hooper, <https://www.holycross.edu/academics/programs/history/faculty/cynthia-v-hooper> Associate Professor of History and head of Russian and Eastern European Studies at the College of the Holy Cross and Steven Barnes, <https://rest.gmu.edu/people/sbarnes3> Director of the Program in Russian and Eurasian Studies and Associate Professor in the Department of History and Art History.

Register for the weekly Zoom Q&A here<https://gmu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkduCtqT8vGNOIkZH8_4-UmPbgATHGBHwE>.

Steven A. Barnes
Director, Program in Russian and Eurasian Studies
President, Southern Conference on Slavic Studies
Associate Professor of Russian and Soviet History

George Mason University


Support our Programming in Russian and Eurasian Studies at Mason

Ñëàâà Óêðà¿í³!