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April 2021


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Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
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Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Apr 2021 20:04:16 +0000
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Dear all,

Please see below an opportunity to adjunct at the Naval Academy in the Fall.  If interested, please let me know.


From: Thomas Mccarthy <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 1:13 PM
To: Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Need for Fall Adjunct Instructors

Professor Lebovic,

I'm the chair of the History Department over at the Naval Academy.  We have a need to hire adjunct instructors for the fall semester (beginning 23 August 2021) to help us teach the required core history courses that all midshipmen take:

US Naval History
World History to 1750
World History from 1750 to the Present

The Naval Academy employs adjuncts through a contractor, but we set the pay and control the working conditions.  We are looking for ABDs who are local and can come to Annapolis to teach in-person starting 23 August 2021 on either a MWF or TTH schedule.  We pay $1500 per credit hour, which means $4500 per class.  Our classes are capped at no more than 20.  For some courses, it may be possible to teach more than one class section.  Instructors devise their own syllabi to our learning outcomes.

Our department is strongly oriented towards teaching, and each core course has an active instructors' seminar that meets several times each semester.  In addition to our PhDs we have ten officers in their late twenties and thirties who have MAs in history who also help us teach the core courses.  Several of them are also ABD.  Our adjunct instructors also regularly participate in and present draft journal articles and dissertation chapters at our department works-in-progress seminar.  So it's a great environment for ABDs to get some first-tier teaching experience among people in similar circumstances with guidance from our experienced senior civilian faculty.  Very supportive!

Please share this information with any appropriate students.  If they are interested and feel qualified to offer any of the courses listed above, they need only send me a CV to initiate the process.

Thank you!

Tom McCarthy
Chair, History Department
U.S. Naval Academy