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November 2011


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Randolph Scully <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 8 Nov 2011 13:22:43 -0500
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Begin forwarded message:

> From: John Saillant <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: November 8, 2011 1:04:09 PM EST
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: FELLOWSHIPS: the Society of the Cincinnati, 2012
> Reply-To: H-NET/OIEAHC Electronic Association in Early American  
> Studies <[log in to unmask]>
> Fellowship Opportunities: The Society of the Cincinnati
> A reminder that the deadline for applying for 2012 research  
> fellowships is fast approaching....
> Library Research Fellowships
> The Society of the Cincinnati offers three research fellowships each  
> year: the Lewis & Dorothy Tyree Fellowship, funded by the family of  
> a long-time member of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of  
> Virginia, and two Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati  
> Fellowships. Each fellowship provides $1,000 to support the cost of  
> travel, housing, and per diem expenses for a scholar wishing to use  
> the Society's library for a period of at least five days. The  
> fellowships are open to graduate students and other scholars who are  
> conducting research that may benefit from the library's holdings.
> The Society of the Cincinnati library collections include  
> contemporary books, manuscripts, maps, and works of art on paper  
> which support the in-depth study of military and naval history and  
> the art of war during era of the American Revolution. The library  
> also houses books and archives related to the formation and history  
> of the Society of the Cincinnati, as well as materials related to  
> the life of Larz and Isabel Anderson, whose Gilded Age home now  
> serves as the headquarters of the Society.
> Recipients will be required to complete their fellowship research  
> within a period of one year from the date of the award. Further,  
> recipients will be required to submit a three-to-five-page written  
> report and summary of research findings, which may be published in  
> the Society's journal, Cincinnati Fourteen. In addition, the library  
> requests a copy of any subsequent publication (article, thesis,  
> dissertation, or book) that may result.
> The recipients for each of the three research fellowships will be  
> chosen from a single round of applications. Applicants should submit  
> the following:
> ¨      A curriculum vitae, including educational background,  
> publications, and professional experience
> ¨      A brief outline of the research proposed (not to exceed 2  
> pages)
> ¨      (For current graduate students only) Two confidential, sealed  
> letters of recommendation from faculty or colleagues familiar with  
> the applicant and his or her research project. Note: If letters are  
> to be mailed independently, please include the names of recommenders  
> when submitting the application.
> Applications for the 2012 fellowships are due on November 12, 2011,  
> and should be mailed to:
> Ellen McCallister Clark, Library Director
> The Society of the Cincinnati
> 2118 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
> Washington, DC  20008
> Learn more about the library collections by visiting http://www.societyofthecincinnati.org/lib.htm 
>  or by contacting Elizabeth Frengel, manager of reader services, at  
> 202.785.2040, ext. 411, or [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask] 
> >.