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October 2016


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Wed, 5 Oct 2016 13:44:42 +0000
Nicole A Roth <[log in to unmask]>
Nicole A Roth <[log in to unmask]>
HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
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1. Maximizing Productivity During Graduate School: Motivation and Goal-Setting Webinar: Oct. 10, 12:00-1:00pm
2. Graduate Student Career Workshop on Oct. 21: Communicating Your Skills and Experience for Maximum Impact: How to Ace the Behavioral Interview
3. Graduate Student Life Write-In Day Registration Now Open
4. Thrive in Your Graduate Program with PROV 601: Apply by Oct. 18
5. Dissertation Completion Grants for Spring 2017: Applications Due Oct. 21
6. Grad Night In: Work, Collaborate, and Connect: Oct. 27, Nov. 30, and Dec. 15
7. Save the Date for GRADReCon: Graduate Research Connections on Nov. 4

1. Maximizing Productivity During Graduate School: Motivation and Goal-Setting Webinar: Oct. 10, 12:00-1:00pm
Having trouble motivating yourself to complete your work? Feel like you have hit a wall in your program? This session will help you explore your values, discuss strategies for motivating yourself, and assist you in developing goals to enter the next phase of your graduate career. Information about logging on to access the webinar will be provided to registered participants. Register for the Motivation and Goal-Setting Webinar now<http://gradmotivationonline.eventbrite.com/>.

2. Graduate Student Career Workshop on Oct. 21: Communicating Your Skills and Experience for Maximum Impact: How to Ace the Behavioral Interview
As you plan your search for an internship or new job, do you feel ready to speak about your skills and qualifications to employers? Join Graduate Student Life<gradlife.gmu.edu> and Career Services<careers.gmu.edu> for a workshop on behavioral interviewing strategies. Employers use behavioral interview questions to assess candidates' competencies and behaviors by asking about past performance. At this workshop, learn how to communicate your skills, qualifications, and experiences for maximum impact during these types of interviews. Registration for this workshop is required, so please visit our event page<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/grad-life-events/#interviewing> to register. Registration closes on Monday, Oct. 17. You will need to bring your Mason ID with you to the workshop.

3. Graduate Student Life Write-In Day Registration Now Open
Graduate Student Life's Write-In Day<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/write-in-day/> is a day-long program that offers you group accountability and a space to write with other Mason graduate students who are also serious about getting writing done. Graduate Student Life will provide the space, coffee, meals, and snacks. You need to bring your computer, any other materials you need, and most importantly, your personal commitment to working diligently and productively. The Fall 2016 Write-In Day will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12 and will offer Individual Productivity Consultations with Learning Services and Peer Review Consultations with editors and reviewers from the Journal of Mason Graduate Research. Registration is required and will close on Monday, Oct. 31 at noon. For more information, event schedule, and registration, please visit our event page<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/write-in-day/>.

4. Thrive in Your Graduate Program with PROV 601: Apply by Oct. 18
The Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellence offers PROV 601, "Thriving in Your Graduate Program: Fostering Graduate Student Success," every spring for beginning doctoral and master's students. This seminar helps students explore the opportunities and challenges of grad school and identify ways to prepare now for their career and professional goals in a cohort format. Participants will create an action plan for their career goals and graduate school experience beyond what their program requires, exploring and discussing ways to improve the visibility and impact of their scholarly and professional activities. This is a free 1-credit hour course. The application deadline is Oct. 18, 2016. Learn more and apply now!<http://ctfe.gmu.edu/professional-development/prov-601>

5. Dissertation Completion Grants for Spring 2017: Applications Due Oct. 21
Are you planning to finish your dissertation by next summer? The Provost's Office awards Dissertation Completion Grants to full-time doctoral students in the final semester of their dissertation work. The Grants are awarded on a competitive basis and enable students to focus full-time on research and writing, improving quality of the work and shortening the time to complete their degrees. Applicants must submit materials to the Office of the Provost by Friday, Oct. 21 at 5pm. For more information, visit the website<http://provost.gmu.edu/graduate-education/grad-ed/>.

6. Grad Night In: Work, Collaborate, and Connect: Oct. 27, Nov. 30, and Dec. 15
Need a break while on campus? Want to meet with your cohort? Working on a group project? Want to meet other Mason grad students and also get some work done? Join Graduate Student Life at Fenwick Library for Grad Night In<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/grad-life-events/#GradNightIn>, a monthly collaborative study date just for Mason grad students! We will provide caffeine and snacks; come with your work and a friend! Grad Night In will be held on Thursday, Oct. 27, 4-10pm, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 4-10pm, and Thursday, Dec. 15, 2-10pm in Fenwick 1014B. Stay for a minute or stay for a while -- we hope to see you there!

7. Save the Date for GRADReCon: Graduate Research Connections on Nov. 4
Build your productivity, research, and writing skills at GRADReCon<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/grad-life-events/#GRADReCon>! Graduate Student Life and University Libraries have partnered with other offices to provide a day of workshops on topics essential to your success in grad school, including Zotero, fellowships, grant-writing, managing large projects, data management, and more. Stay tuned to our webpage<http://gradlife.gmu.edu/grad-life-events/#GRADReCon> for the schedule and full details!