From: Adrian Finucane <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 8:55 PM
Subject: Graduate Research Fellowship Opportunity
I am writing to ask that you inform your graduate students of this exciting research fellowship opportunity:
The Florida Atlantic University Libraries and the Huntington Library are jointly offering three short-term research fellowships for advanced graduate students. Fellows will spend the month of October 2019 in residence using Florida Atlantic University Libraries’ Marvin and Sybil Weiner Spirit of America Collection in Boca Raton, Florida. They may take the second month of the fellowship at the Huntington Library at any time between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. While at the Florida Atlantic University Libraries, fellows will meet together weekly along with FAU faculty and participate in academic programming. Fellows will be encouraged to submit a conference panel based on the materials they find in the collections and their discussions during the fellowship period. Accepted fellows will receive $2,500 for one month at the Florida Atlantic University Libraries in Boca Raton using the materials from the Weiner Collection, and $3,500 for one month at The Huntington in San Marino, California. All successful candidates are expected to be in residence for the period of their fellowships at each institution.
Open to doctoral candidates in fields related to the collections (including but not limited to History, English, Political Philosophy, American Studies, etc.) who have completed their qualifying exams and received approval for their dissertation proposal from their department.
Application Procedure
Candidates must submit the following to be considered:
- CV
- Two letters of recommendation from faculty members familiar with your project
- Project proposal of no more than 1,500 words including a description of the project, an indication of the significance of the dissertation to the field of study, and an indication of the materials they plan to consult at each library and their plan of work during the fellowship period. Successful candidates will be specific about these materials. The fellowship committee seeks students who will benefit from the complementary holdings of the Weiner Collection and the Huntington Library, which are particularly strong in Anglo-American political philosophy, the American and French revolutions, the English Civil War, and religion and reform movements. Further information on holdings can be found here: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1h7rwZXCNC0UDjxt8apPRDKJyzIMJKsGH_z1SHLNWxc1P8jcoM_fGA0_OdLoNw2popZuwheNRI15rSrjuIEU0AydqXdMgd800tgd-QtcyhOus6HejykMpjFGJgaklXi2jGCvV2Ypype9oc9BX2H3vekFXUdaBGgohxVDnuKGLnYbUZrTuz_uKodv2vxU62ue9z8j0AixulTWSwpeMcTqnDR7xtNe5ZjWVem3gu7reMyrxb33-J3jFXbEK_1wjufxbxR4WeAAyYcBUpnAsfyO6ozKhBnEWKJjTCBqNpg5Oy5KLQ69i5vabQJnmUJXiHawPqETcvxMb37CHqHbGeyRgUUZKNqVB9l6K5zZzQ8qyKLwAeZ57PerrZRN1-k3Oo6s8GFuXG_x3l9uk0WMOKl29bxLXSLwgDb4aUP4aY2nMNvwF2unKu6ckNoCN6pmhzbq4/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fau.edu%2Fartsandletters%2Fhistory%2Fweiner-researchers-guide%2F<http://secure-web.cisco.com/1zblyLoJSrs9p4Q55piVlyln3v1npTFkSjQe-6TRU3lALkXqqjSTbuQSQY7Eq6IuB9X6TtlI7UrHW2EMQ7a67tgvnSYmkUBlfhKanHV46RFO0rFTVYrj1nXLdUEpUr1jUxM4HXrL_XfJS7RTDYSdiYbaqSrDnplU8eOF6foEIQofKaPZg3RXxBAEs8CJxnBMh1JuSAlIt_BDXVkZAtU5hVLA1M77sYy68_ncZWIMnuNQJUU2OOW4LuAT6fZV_ByAeNKEUzJSX_w1kS4YTJC_deYWKitrhOJGxg0RDzhW1HxRaeKZCXzH3JPbePFcpa22YqvtaIIZ680XwIhG0yIrjCJve9DORyDpYkKsdblezXMAFEFV2yMmQpcHHeRCDNfdkYayNQIfweH8Ixc_npIFE3xCTC5FaJmIpFbeDPoTVd1Icxfzd9u2bynwKiC3zm5KP/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fau.edu%2Fartsandletters%2Fhistory%2Fweiner-researchers-guide%2F> and http://secure-web.cisco.com/1kfgMfVDbvdUQOMH4UPkKFRczJzliDh9Vzp1yWT_LsXcRC4T1CubAbgrfp5jUttj5Z6o59fHOoRY4vkvWnrmlDGRwt4YKVIoVOm-a9fzSj2fu4tyFWRUQpVzDTj5-7i7Ugh5TzNCAvkQHjaS0YiqOl2F5yu34XLKIl3OOOxSERjHsdjwe3pRi686eCkgF_MCkSajHUMql96LeB7AaOU3cGx4Rc_Qnj4hQvM_rq6iRneuObZRw-1BDJxParDw0HrX-vuSC3Gtf5xjGx0rsYZXZ2DMxSPQ5G00lcSA6gdQ2Bl7dBMQC7ZaR4rsCNP9OQtMCIK8RxxI5PfIKg_0fgpocU44YDXyF89Iys6zOdsIcAeaCrubCWBZ4l6cBqWtKEMT_6F8ipXw2IeOHrNlY6jTMuZtWu2P1cLht6azSg6TEKOV8WnSGe4VoZbcNdGtWSIX-/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huntington.org%2Fresearch%2F. Applicants are encouraged to contact the librarians at each institution with any questions about holdings.
Application materials should be sent to [log in to unmask] by November 15, 2018. Any questions about the fellowship or the application process may be directed to this address as well.
Adrian Finucane
Assistant Professor of History
Florida Atlantic University