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July 2012


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Nicole Roth <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 26 Jul 2012 11:42:54 -0400
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The National Historic Landmarks Program (NHL) is seeking two interns to
> assist the NHL staff during Fall 2012.  Prospective applicants should be
> enrolled in a graduate program in History or American Studies. Preference
> will be given to advanced students.
> The first intern will work with NHL staff to improve the NHL Program’s
> website and its use of social media to promote better understanding of the
> NHL Program. The selected candidate will also assist NHL staff in
> researching and creating educational materials that use social media to
> promote the American Latino Heritage Initiative. Duties may also include
> assisting NHL staff in conducting research on and completing Section 8 
> of a
> National Historic Landmark.
> The second intern will work with NHL staff to research and begin writing
> Section 8 of a National Historic Landmark nomination. Preferred applicants
> will possess a strong background in either women’s history, LBGT history,
> OR Asian American history.
> Both internships will provide students with an understanding of the
> National Historic Landmarks Program.
> Interns will work under the supervision of NHL staff.
> Successful candidates must have strong writing and research skills, a
> general knowledge of American history, familiarity with the National
> Historic Landmarks Program, and an ability to work independently.
> Successful applicants must also possess a demonstrated ability to meet
> deadlines.
> Housing and transportation are the intern’s responsibility. Located in
> downtown Washington, DC.  Pay is competitive.
> Please note: the internship is for 600 hours. Scheduling of those 600 
> hours
> is flexible.
> Please send a resume and cover letter to Alexandra Lord at
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> by August 1, 
> 2012 for consideration for this
> position.  If you have questions about the internship, please contact Dr.
> Lord directly at 202-354-6906.
> Alexandra M. Lord, PhD
> Branch Chief
> National Historic Landmarks Program
> National Park Service
> 1201 Eye Street NW
> Washington DC 20240
> Phone: 202-354-6906
> Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>