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September 2018


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Tue, 18 Sep 2018 16:41:55 +0000
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>

Department of History

Assistant Professor in Public History

POSITION: The department of history invites applications for a probationary tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor. The department seeks candidates with expertise in Public History who are committed to teaching excellence and to maintaining an active research program involving undergraduates.  This position carries an initial two-year probationary appointment beginning with the 2019/2020 academic year, commencing August 26, 2019.

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Earned doctorate in History or related field from a regionally accredited Higher Education institution is required. ABD applicants may be considered but must complete the terminal degree by March 1, 2020.

PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Evidence of successful university teaching and experience as a practicing public historian will be considered assets. Period and geographic region of specialization are open, although preference will be given to applicants who can enhance departmental course offerings and contribute to UWEC's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusiveness.

DUTIES: The successful candidate will be expected to help expand an established public history program and teach courses in the Department of History as assigned, based on program needs and in accordance with specialization, including introductory survey courses.  They will participate in research and scholarly activities, engage in service to the department, University and community, and contribute to department, college and university committee work.

DEPARTMENT: The Department of History at UW-Eau Claire was the recipient of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Teaching Excellent Award in 2006. It has 9 tenured or tenure track faculty members who are committed to a curriculum that engages students in independent research and exposes them to global and American ethnic diversity.

The growing Public History program at UW-Eau Claire enrolls 40 undergraduate and graduate students. The Department of History is home to the Northern Field Services Office of the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS). It partners with the WHS and the Chippewa Valley Museum to place interns throughout the state.

The Department has been the recipient of more than $4,000,000 from the U.S. Department of Education, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Wisconsin Humanities Council for K-12 teacher education and public programs.

Please see the department website for more information:


UNIVERSITY and EAU CLAIRE COMMUNITY: UW-Eau Claire, an institution of approximately 11,500 students and 1,200 faculty and staff, is consistently recognized as a top comprehensive university in the Midwest and is widely known as a leader in faculty-undergraduate research and study abroad. We strive for excellence in liberal education and select graduate and professional programs through commitment to teaching and learning and dedication to our core values of diversity, sustainability, leadership, and innovation.

The City of Eau Claire, situated at the confluence of the Chippewa and Eau Claire rivers, is at the center of a metropolitan area of approximately 100,000 people located 90 miles east of Minneapolis/St. Paul. The area features beautiful parks and trails, strong public schools, a vibrant arts scene and local food culture, and abundant recreational opportunities.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications are submitted electronically. Please follow instructions found on the following UW-Eau Claire Web site: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1YKmN6-wMTSB5EF2AcJwBu5pmV4P6NPQNEJsCu2jD6HWdGenYmf4nGlNcwWNxhnjGdOPffjOQSA978lVlPrmzR0vOx1pBP_vmzB5E8GIsY0nH6o5LhLz0LXgENnjjrG3jJD-q9THNlapTvsemPEll4ss6edDeaKUgR2eySy9T4-IzvJr2vPi6Z7lhdRO482j8mOpRcAqGkhcscmOGFDyGl4JcGJvuVm2Q3Tcdy9jMbvmDCwF864CXClEylTYwON84zYPWbMFrMhnUWmNvE9wcdoW7d1fhdSIzgP5wkQY8diFrm9nZ-a0o-0dv_lbDokygTTqprS3F5se5YkO3Kx9Nwds2Y_q4bWcHE5uDOd017l1KfI0nXmZ2Quhr9OpXnHMO8miRRuCz7s-6wZrXuf1uFQ/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwec.edu%2FEmployment%2Fuweccareers.htm.  You must create an account and login before you can apply.  If you have not yet registered, click on the "Click here to Register" link to begin the registration process. If you are already a registered user, input your "User Name" and "Password" and select "Login."  Click the link to the History: Assistant Professor in Public History position (Job ID # 14754) and then click the "Apply Now" button to submit your application electronically.  Your application will not be considered complete until all required documents are attached and all required fields are completed.  Please be sure you have included the following in PDF format:
*             Letter of application
*             Curriculum vita
*             Unofficial graduate school transcript
*             Evidence of teaching effectiveness; may include sample syllabi, teaching philosophy and/or teaching evaluations, where appropriate
*             Three letters of reference, at least one of which should speak to teaching, should be sent directly to the History Department Academic Associate, Linda Glenna: [log in to unmask]

Please direct requests for additional information to:
John Mann, Search Committee Chair   [log in to unmask]

To ensure consideration, completed applications must be received by November 1, 2018.  However, screening may continue until position is filled. The university reserves the right to contact additional references with notice given to the candidates at an appropriate time in the process.  A criminal background check is required prior to employment.

The UW-Eau Claire Police Department is dedicated to maintaining a safe and secure environment for learning and working. Although crime at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is  limited, the   University Police want students, faculty and staff to be aware of crime on campus and the area surrounding the campus. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose annual information about campus crime.  Visit Campus Security and Fire Report  (https://secure-web.cisco.com/1--TFeS2kYzIlJJxRI5uCh7jSuvgJsu_MAWfT7Rw5TdOo-TVNXJM0uK0q73IAJw_RkR9IMCsvgIfihA51cSOCE3qljG0X8GTHWmcrTlOiPzMSd-49pkKAW1Fh3WC-d1kYeG_CBDKkE7VHaZdDYhgWOmOIOhAMtd9_2b1DM5GPJAFLW9QsOTX1v2YNwZ2gQ873bGq4XnbRtO1yZFtLAD3t9RT5_qJxV2yYhIIdMYSEPFnyeUaKW1Yg8FiI0Bz7WRbounZSksJfFR5Da44AIEaSsjXpPkd8Ip2YOcj4JWhXYzHvDfCLEatEGSo6ej_vsYidu81wzC4CNXLRSDo-EdFW-wTYANJWJhLw7ZVStYSKAdGJiw88Y58dNpPidw_Gcj2F6naT8fwhh0lsj5uB7ISnMg/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwec.edu%2Fhuman-resources%2Femployment-opportunities%2Fjob- penings/upload/AnnualSecurityandFireReport-2.pdf<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1XBRjqx47cBfo9nLOzeiYDZn8m_Mw8q9m9m98U6Sg55iI7JKQtEsuBSjMtfPXE07ruuneioePrJ21gLO3Oi3S8YGESvbxsqHxOmJ3nwpfHEZkmkxdXGqQqRErDJ953ox3k8I3n5p9lwmnirXEus-bc8fllkG5c0-DTfAAe7H13nKmB7bXuHrP8vsNNMchQDCB1JAjZNGgXzlgAg_hA9qZmZYsSj_1Gy_Ui1zmLJMilmTdpnoYHjgYx1dlnqOVSpdJsqjlg1Qq9o0WAqQ_VRnP2Z9BcLCKAIfjcxIwKYZcVtRXyQ-zlotUNtFQ5qbIHkZ9pZxwZGVoBbmgpMXC2hJRX3uU9o6w_cOjxsKhWuJhPzcOEmjClNqQNnyLPL9Bq24NulM92IV9oEcT22u2mLpQew/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwec.edu%2Fhuman-resources%2Femployment-opportunities%2Fjob-%2520penings%2Fupload%2FAnnualSecurityandFireReport-2.pdf>) .  Also visit our Campus Security Authority policy (https://secure-web.cisco.com/1TFh_2-tqh_Xryv-vtw7kRC5ffMkSjsXjDjJPHrq_8kIGs2ib8UPvt9sWWQ6tKlLX1zMSE8_yfV7ceLo5mK7qQBeIdBiVZHuGCjBnG0ib2YCcvwvhm12lvnVhzpKLZ9DvgBu78-GJ2XMdouoBMM9UmRR-rUJdT66GGy2PiJYvfYxRnpE04lXXBrI70sU82_5x9jjlUdLUiGld3lKwr6lF7xLL66FLJ3JS4b_661GgGx9gY2KKO-OJBaWQqguwYBka2AD8gYSNBYvjYM-PjsgYkKVIYB1KoErv9ME-coLX7ScRm9pWoRn3QY436d9Qy4GMg5mp_pH4qDKi44OaLkLGI3S5Rj9qR2HNrh237-Xnw_QksOVxnLlGA8fUbrDW2ynzvBpQXAXJ6FjC85wGNWHT_g/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwec.edu%2Fhuman-resources%2Femployment-opportunities%2Fjob-openings%2Fupload%2FCleryCompliancePolicy.pdf%29

UW-Eau Claire is an AA/EEO/Veterans/Disability employer dedicated to enhancing
diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Emily Gibson | Graduate Coordinator
History and Art History | College of Humanities and Social Sciences
4400 University Drive, MS 3G1 | Robinson Hall B, Room B354  | Fairfax, VA 22030
phone: 703.993.1248 | fax: 703.993.1251 | email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | web: http://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/
office hours: 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday

From: Glenna, Linda E. <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:22 AM
To: Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: history position available

Attached please find a position description for an opening at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

Please post or pass on to any interested parties.

Thank you.


Linda Glenna
Academic Dept. Associate  -  History Dept.- HHH 701
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
105 Garfield Avenue, Eau Claire WI  54702-4004
Ph: 715-836-5501 | Fax: 715-836-3540
Email:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>