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April 2021


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Apr 2021 14:54:07 +0000
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
multipart/mixed; boundary="_004_BN7PR05MB39227491CA3E1F451841D86591499BN7PR05MB3922namp_"
text/plain (4 kB) , text/html (19 kB) , NOT YET LINKED Flyer.pdf (200 kB)
From: Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Center for Humanities Research <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 10:48 AM

Subject: CHR news and opportunities

Dear Colleagues, Students, and Friends,

On Friday, we will host the second of our two important conversations: "On Racial Injustice and Restorative Action: A Conversation with Leslie Abrams Gardner and Jimmie Gardner” (see flyer below).  Justice Leslie Abrams Gardner (sister of Stacy Abrams) and Jimmie Gardner (an exoneree, incarcerated 27 years for a crime he did not commit) will engage in a discussion about mass incarceration and criminal justice reform.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/on-racial-injustice-and-restorative-action-a-second-conversation-registration-150625347469?aff=Centerhumanitiesresearch

If you missed the first event, On Racial Injustice and Restorative Action: A Conversation with Spencer Crew (Robinson Professor and Interim Director, National Museum of African American History and Culture) and Derrick Johnson (Executive Director, NAACP)” you will find a recording on the CHR website: https://chr.gmu.edu

Congratulations to our 2021 Summer Funding Awardees! There was a large pool of strong applications; we wish we could have funded them all.

Tawnya Azar, Term Assistant Professor of English
She will be working on a book manuscript entitled, Digital Literary Culture

Charles L. Chavis, Jr., Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and History, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution
He will be working on a Digital Exhibit and Discussion Guide which builds on his upcoming publication, “The Silent Shore: The Lynching of Matthew Williams and the Politics of Racism in the Free State”

Kevin M. Flanagan, Term Assistant Professor of English
He will be working on a chapter, for an edited volume, entitled, “Taste, Paternalism, and London Bohemianism: The Party’s Over (1965) through Censorship and Cultural History”

Huwy-min Lucia Liu, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology
She will be working on a book manuscript tentatively titled Governing Death, Making Persons: The New Chinese Way of Death

Each will share their research at the CHR next year!

Interested in a faculty writing group this summer?
We've been approached by faculty members interested in a humanities-focused writing group for faculty. Ideally, the group would meet twice per month and would provide an opportunity to share work in progress and to engage in intellectual discussion around each member's project(s). Please email me if you would be interested in participating: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Follow us on social media!
Instagram: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1FhF5x58uD_5jyLKuy02FOFyHUFaQ4wRC2KNj2KQwnPhFuWg0fKbX5tG1sPrFn2YGW83S_wyUsFuVQuufiFwBKZFWMORf-qRZ4XR2fpV_AXWkEcR8CK_O_6px_ANX-lV4TwCm4FtLp_g0bjQ62ICicRk6G15f6rDmMpn4LV7qYztc9BPtpI3dNkn5iNM3JD7EUiW_Ci7rg_YpFJzBJTikHJ-7dHJbVXPrmp7mB461elCrMCx0f_gDUwROu1pAxrOyssUAyhoAoHIW2_VgMD4vPkA7tqdczW9q4Mqmv9tmk2AZ7e8tq4M73U30s6vDfX5v2v5LJExzzLjicpsodNfSxpMdAtF7Ny1dqSQXtYPwGI2nbMPjFDJPpJHTi7Tn9LHka33rurugFc6n1Ha1q65MP7sTH7dhHHLYq0SY29Elp4QFBIwVbLw2DVkYxsxvbLoH7Sf-TMOUfH4MQnYFdojoBQ/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fgeorgemasonchr%2F<https://secure-web.cisco.com/183XiR3IALFeAJ7yPef8g7Nz2_RT_EH36fFCmt78n17hOt4jTilKV1iRzcEfozBV5-ZWKR7qLxZce_mII_c3X86gK8dpypP2iMwkHNCBZ5jI5z0z1hEUPaN0SoqoaS6d5w2tgtlrOGaJ3oUlwmy0eWRaUW5Soa-WP5bn8oE1P2p0fx1wlDVumbJdBLF22-91o8d54ADzVoaEOJyXo2XVPDV80aYWeYqa8aaztd3zNJ9ICW44RE1l05NtuUmrk3ay--4oQ2JpVpGM2tu_eHRWfMLpD9t6r1xXSVKxZD06KxOuFeZMvoq7uF3JeQP8k7luy4ElC0ZNQw1lTVLj-U7TLy8CV_imJQaQxcRP7tcX9oN7su_0oAlpcV3ytaaM8UHw8egjSESDZOELmU0hA4OsyEUdLylMYZ3TL-237mOwGgo_3k0I0ROOl1h7AzlrSIQ7bTzuj9aUcHDrpWBaj1lmJ2g/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fgeorgemasonchr%2F>
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeMasonUniversityCHR
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHR_GMU<https://secure-web.cisco.com/13SWFFG5K2_1PQGHTqYzet8HecEJsOvVDUNT30wI3XkxF6Zx_3p1XwFLqSYn5rX1aZDG6JyMqvweNauiWnNkcYBjK5vb2N8BIB7VgZV6H8nkUWVh0ZMga9uq0VRP6dsb5uo4r0mJoeZtht8T4VIql0z2RKW4jsmYEVwj_V3sd5-x2pF9bHzvPNFMrD7e0-kKyP95K3Z03nKvedd46s0GLVSLxbbTbxP0IyT-8WNZbW-7W4FZcQFUCNwHGFQvHwS9WYolb8g71OO00SbV26tOVcjAQ_A_6Me_OSVsDX-PTC2sNrywzn74BLnLNgTQRAEqhdolA241ErYvL4OQycs9ZVMK3OfLhaaA2u8Cj_sPO4_5LaQ5bYNGsgrFl8Ml0CpXUsrJUFiC9SmtBC0bhRTURnixD4kbRJUvtQdF6hanJcvxqjvIKFCF-xyBVhzNd3u7XzwAzB1Odpzvueteuu4WP_Q/https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCHR_GMU>


I look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Take care,

Alison Landsberg
Director, Center for Humanities Research (CHR)
Professor of History and Cultural Studies
George Mason University
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>