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May 2021


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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 May 2021 15:39:13 +0000
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Public History Opportunity-Celebration of Liberty Amendments in Vienna Virginia

Grad Students,
Be a part of an historical event, the first in Virginia, celebrating the Liberty Amendments (13,14,15,&19) in Vienna, VA. Vienna will be hosting one of many statewide events in Virginia to celebrate abolishing of slavery, extending equal protection for all citizens, granting black men the right to vote and granting women the right to vote. There will be historical pictorial exhibits needed for the celebration. If you would have an interest in helping create one or more of the pictorial exhibits related to one of the amendments, please contact me. It is a great opportunity to be part of a very meaningful celebration for Northern Virginia, the Commonwealth, and our country. A small honorarium will be given to the students who help with the exhibits. Please contact me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and I can connect you with the people organizing the event.

George Oberle

George D. Oberle III, Ph.D. MLS
History Librarian
Director, Center for Mason Legacies
Assistant Term Professor Department of History and Art History

Fenwick Library rm. 4002
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-4175 (I am not onsite so please email)
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