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From: Lindsey Smith <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS: 2014 North Carolina State University Graduate Student History Conference
Date: October 3, 2013 3:38:32 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Hello, I am writing to share the call for papers for North Carolina State University's annual Graduate Student History Conference, which will be held on March 22, 2014 on NCSU's campus. The conference is put together by students and faculty at NCSU, and submissions are accepted from graduate students on any historical topic and time period. We encourage submissions from any interested graduate student and would appreciate if you would circulate this to your students, other departments, and to any other lists or venues that might be interested. Submissions are due by November 29, 2013. Digital submissions are preferred, and more information can be found in the call for papers. Thank you,
Lindsey Smith Conference Coordinator
Call for Papers
March 22, 2014
Riddick Hall, 2401 Stinson Drive, NC State University
The NCSU Graduate Student History Conference provides a friendly and welcoming environment for scholarly interaction and professional development. The graduate student history conference is open to all history graduate students. Individual paper proposals are welcome on any historical topic and time period, including public history. Each presentation will last approximately 15 minutes, and each panel will be followed by comments from area faculty as well as general discussion. Selected presenters will have the option to be published in a professionally refereed online journal. Travel funding is available for exceptional papers. Interested students should submit a proposal of no more than 250 words along with a current CV by Friday, November 29 2013.
Digital submissions are preferred
Include your name, institution, and field of specialization with proposal and CV attached. Proposals may be submitted via web on the conference website:
Hard Copy Submissions
Send hard copies of paper proposals with current CV to:
Lindsey Smith
461 Withers Hall
Campus Box 8108
Raleigh, NC 27695-8108