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February 2018


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Feb 2018 14:00:39 +0000
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
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text/plain (20 lines)
From: Zachary Schrag 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2018 7:23 AM
Subject: Randy Beth Clarke Fellowship in U.S. History

I am writing to invite qualified students to apply for the department's Randy Beth Clarke Fellowship in U.S. History.

This $1000 memorial fellowship was created thanks to a generous donation from the parents of Randy Beth Clarke, an M.A. student here who passed away in 2009.

Students who wish to nominate themselves should have an excellent academic record and a concentration in US history. Priority will go to students who have a demonstrated interest in women's history, the Civil War era, or volunteering at historic sites or museums. Students with physical disabilities are also particularly invited to apply. To be eligible, you must have completed a minimum of 9 credits in the program and will not graduate before the end of fall semester 2018.

An application should consist of a short essay (maximum of three pages), spelling out your interests and experience in American history and the fellowship’s areas of focus, as well as a copy of your Mason transcript (which you can download from your Patriotweb account—it does not need to be official). You may ask one Mason faculty to write a letter of recommendation for you, though this is not required to be considered.  All materials should be sent to me via email ([log in to unmask]) no later than 5pm on Friday, February 23.

Zachary M. Schrag
Professor and Director of MA Program in History | Department of History and Art History | George Mason University
[log in to unmask] | zacharyschrag.com | @zacharyschrag | 703 594 1844
Office appointments: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1fnw2EIzj422_5etDvTS2rtJczgdFYzD0pEnNcw_kBjenBpRPgyU2Rtzzm1N2NpJTVwqVPscS3dBBbiEXlhlYbB5NepztJEhBFLEzGeiNcdjFS6Xker59F9W66ezDGw1KLdsXYH6JRaVn_4t28OjlIokTa-koonGr9GS6bk9eDK92kJdiGvWWLxWgcgzIkbXYxAJnvs1sBbJkwemkT_3IxIIv7llHKbfGf1AWd5GirP1z-OPxvYGhbScBZ9BYXbS-ZIIMn5D7Q4pYsKy37LNIma9hwLr1XYJcmRf-xzkGPvX6IjSfJxC--zDnQ-2j13W28YhA8d2SPZFW_F1kwv3mBhhV-Gakaw4tJz7lgVAXwQlQ8VnCORvwiUaY2eTIOD3bfeuZhTm4-BTE19l7tn-0D8h0xJI4P8iOWUIgxBbQKrCsK2stwf54LIJVySsxFheI/https%3A%2F%2Fzschrag.youcanbook.me%2F.

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