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February 2010


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Sharon Bloomquist <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 08:17:59 -0500
text/plain (47 lines)
Dear Students:

This Spring's Job and Internship Fair is on Wednesday, February 24th and 
Thursday, February 25th from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm in the Johnson Center, 
Dewberry Hall

Get ready to meet with employers to learn about job, internship, and 
co-op opportunities and to present your qualifications!

Over 150 employers will be attending the Fair! Check out the employer 
list and research the companies participating on Day 1 or Day 2 at:

Practice your *30 second personal pitch* to employers and view examples 
for the Job Fair at: http://careers.gmu.edu/jobfair/prep/index.cfm
Professional dress is highly recommended!

Angela M. Illig, M.S., N.C.C.
Career Education Coordinator/Career Counselor
George Mason University, VA 22030-4444
University Career Services, MSN 3B6
E-mail: [log in to unmask]   Phone: 703-993-2368

Please note that e-mail is not a confidential form of communication. If 
you are receiving this message in error, please let me know. If you are 
seeking career counseling services, please contact our office at (703) 
Although University Career Services reviews advertised positions, we 
cannot guarantee that every advertised position is legitimate or 
appropriate for you.  You are responsible to determine whether a 
potential job matches your skills and interests, and if a potential job 
is legitimate.

Sharon Bloomquist
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
Phone:  (703) 993-1248    Fax:  (703) 993-1251
Hours:  Mon - Thu, 7:30 - 4:00
Department Website: http://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/

Please apply online at: 