Beginning Monday, February 15, the department will begin hosting candidates for a tenure track faculty position in digital history. Each of the candidates has time in their schedule for an informal lunch session with graduate students. All graduate students are invited to attend these lunches to meet the candidates and to take part in informal conversations with them. A PhD student has volunteered to host each of the four lunches. These sessions will take place on the following schedule:
2/15: 12:00 - 12:45 (Host: Laura Brannan)
Meeting ID: 996 8816 7070; Passcode: 439126
2/19: 12:45-1:45 (Host: Greta Swain)
Meeting ID 935 0515 8272, Passcode: 959032
2/22: 1130 - 1230 (Host: Caroline Greer)
Meeting ID: 951 8495 7902; Passcode: 225938
3/1: 1230 - 1:30 (Host: Dan Howlett)
Meeting ID: 968 0213 2004; Passcode: 442828
Following the lunches the search committee will ask for your input about the candidates. Please remember that these individuals may or may not have informed their current employers about their interviews, so please do not post about these events on social media.
On behalf of the search committee, thanks for taking part in these events.
All the best,
Susan Woods
Office Manager
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
4400 University Dr MS3G1
Fairfax, VA 22030
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The HIST/ARTH main office will be closed for the spring 2021 semester. All staff members are teleworking.