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March 2013


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Mar 2013 13:10:35 -0400
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Nicole Roth <[log in to unmask]>
History and Art History
To: History MA Students <[log in to unmask]>
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Fellowships for Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute in European Studies 
(TASI), July 8 - July 20, 2013
*"Borders in Motion: New Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion across 
Europe and North America" *

The DAAD Center for German & European Studies at the University of 
Minnesota invites applications to the *13th Trans-Atlantic Summer 
Institute in European Studies (TASI)*. The Institute will bring together 
11 German or other European, and 11 North American advanced graduate 
students for an intensive two-week seminar on the campus of the 
University of Minnesota. The 2013 topic is "Borders in Motion: New 
Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion across Europe and North America." 
The 2013 faculty leaders are *Matthias Rothe *(German, Scandinavian and 
Dutch; University of Minnesota) and *Anika Keinz *(Anthropology; 
European University Viadrina, Germany). The Institute offers a diverse 
mix of seminar discussions of key readings, research presentations by 
guest faculty and fellows, and formal discussions of fellows' research 
projects. The international faculty team encourages applications from 
young scholars in the social sciences and humanities. All selected 
applicants will receive fellowships. Institute language is English. A 
reading knowledge of one other European language is required. 
*Application deadline: April 22, 2013.

topic abstract:*

"Mobility" and "flexibility" are buzz words of the postsocialist, 
post-9/11 decades. With E.U. enlargement, national borders between 
member states have become less important. At the same time, new internal 
boundaries proliferate: distinctions between immigrants and native 
citizens, between "ethnic" and supposedly non-ethnic groups, between 
religious communities and a supposedly secular and liberal society. 
Emancipatory values and human rights seem to become instruments of 
distinctions. Religious, ethnic, and sexual minorities are often pitted 
against one another. The new boundaries are reconfirmed through public 
policy, practices, and security technology and reflected in discourses 
of belonging. The 2013 Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute draws on a broad 
range of academic fields---including anthropology, sociology, political 
philosophy, history, political science, and cultural studies---to 
investigate dynamics of inclusion and exclusion across Europe and North 
America. Fellows will engage an array of intriguing questions: How do we 
most appropriately conceptualize phenomena of inclusion and exclusion in 
late modern heterogeneous societies? What criteria are employed to mark 
differences and how does the function of difference itself change? How 
do security regimes reinscribe differences of gender, sexuality, and 
race? How do these processes and dynamics resemble each other or differ 
in the E.U. and North America?

Full details and application materials at

DAAD Center for German&  European Studies
University of Minnesota
214 Social Sciences Building
267 19th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 626-7705
Fax: (612) 625-0528
Email:[log in to unmask]

Give to CGES:https://makingagift.umn.edu/onlinegiving/enterOnlineGiving.do?owner=O_CGES

The Center for German&  European Studies is host of the annual "American&  German Healthcare Forum," a unique venue for direct exchange on health policy and best practices between Minnesotans and Germans. Conference documentation and other materials are available at:http://www.cges.umn.edu/outreach/forum.htm