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August 2016


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Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
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Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Aug 2016 00:07:55 +0000
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Hello, everyone.

I am forwarding this semester's schedule for brown bags at RRCHNM. (If you were in colloquium tonight, these were the sessions mentioned by Stephen Robertson).



Cynthia A. Kierner

Professor of History

Director, Ph.D. Program in History

George Mason University

Fairfax, Virginia 22030

From: Stephen M Robertson
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 2:53 PM
To: Shaul Bakhash; Joan Bristol; Lawrence Butler; Benedict Carton; Jane Censer; Michael Chang; Samuel Collins; Dina Copelman; Spencer Crew; Robert DeCaroli; C Joseph Genetin-Pilawa; Michele Greet; Sumaiya Hamdani; Christopher Hamner; Mack Holt; Jane M Hooper; Yevette R Jordan; Matthew Karush; T. Mills Kelly; Cynthia A Kierner; Meredith Lair; Sharon M Leon; Alison Landsberg; Sam Lebovic; Lincoln A Mullen; Michael O'malley; Sun Young Park; Brian Platt; Jennifer L Ritterhouse; Stephen M Robertson; Zachary Schrag; Randolph Scully; Martin J Sherwin; Suzanne Smith; Peter Stearns; Sean P Takats; Jennifer Van Horn; Rosemarie Zagarri; Angela K Ho; Benjamin A Cowan
Cc: Deborah E. Kaplan
Subject: RRCHNM Project Workshops Fall 2016

Dear Colleagues

As we begin a new semester, I wanted to let you know about this semester's project workshops at RRCHNM. These sessions, which occur roughly once a month and are open to anyone, are an opportunity to learn more about projects being developed at the Center and to offer input. Projects being workshopped can be in their early stages or further along in their development and testing. We meet in the main lounge at the Center.

  *   Tuesday, 9/20 @ 12.00-1.30pm: Gabor Toth (Universitat Passau), the Gerda Henkel Foundation Digital History Postdoctoral Fellow at RRCHNM in 2016-17: Computer-assisted analysis of interviews with Holocaust survivors
  *   Tuesday, 10/18 @ 12.00-1.30pm: Eagle Eye Citizen<http://rrchnm.org/eagle-eye-citizen/> - an online, mobile-firendly interactive for secondary students focused on Congress and civic participation
  *   Wednesday, 11/9 @ 12.00-1.30pm: <http://tropy.org> Tropy<http://rrchnm.org/rrchnm-to-build-software-to-help-researchers-organize-digital-photographs/> - a desktop app to allow archival researchers to collect and organize the digital photographs they take in their research - alpha version

If you have any questions about the project workshops, please contact me.


Prof. Stephen Robertson
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
@smrobertson3 | drstephenrobertson.com