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November 2011


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Laura McCloskey <[log in to unmask]>
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Laura McCloskey <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Nov 2011 13:28:06 -0500
text/plain (1424 bytes) , text/html (3479 bytes) , TeachingBrownBag.pdf (391 kB)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Graduate Student Center Brown Bag Lunch!
Date: 	Mon, 21 Nov 2011 18:05:19 +0000
From: 	[log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>


Below is an announcement for the Graduate Student Center's Brown Bag 
Lunch. Our topic is broadly defined as "teaching" and our forum is open 
to graduate students who may be interested in teaching, currently 
serving as TAs, or already working in the field. Please pass this 
information on in the format that best serves your departments needs!

Amy Busch
GA, Graduate Student Center

*Graduate Student Center (GSC), Brown Bag Lunch - Teaching Workshop**
Ft. Dr. Joshua Eyler, Associate Director, Center for Teaching Excellence*
/Tuesday November 29, 12-1pm Johnson Center 310/
Calling all Graduate Teaching Assistants, current teachers, or anyone 
interested in teaching! Have you ever wanted advice on improving your 
lecture style, handling difficult classroom management issues, or 
developing more effective assignments and exams? Dr. Eyler is the 
featured speaker at the GSC’s next brown bag lunch and is here to answer 
all of your questions. Please bring your lunch to the GSC in JC 310. 
Free cookies and drinks will be provided!

Want to come but can’t be on campus? Join us that day through the web at 
http://livestream.com/universitylifelive. You can watch the live 
session, write questions to Dr. Eyler and receive real time responses!