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August 2021


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Sun, 29 Aug 2021 15:02:45 +0000
Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (5 kB) , text/html (11 kB) , image001.png (8 kB) , HAAACR Intern Flyer.pdf (893 kB)
I'm passing this on from David Marsich. Seems like a good (paid) public history opportunity for someone who can be near Appomattox.

Cynthia A. Kierner

Professor of History

George Mason University

Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Check this out!:


From: David William Marsich <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 3:14 PM
To: Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Fw: New Opportunity with ACC

Hi Dr. Kierner,

I wondered if this might be appropriate for distribution to the grad student listserv? My sister works with a conservation organization that's helping to coordinate and fund a paid internship at Appomattox Courthouse and they're looking for applications. I took the liberty of attaching the information in case.



Historic Appomattox African American Community Research (HAAACR) Intern<https://corpspositions.silkroad.com/sccorpscext/UnplacedPages/Job.html?jobid=2861>

Appalachian Conservation Corps<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1aZ--uRVu9l0bIbnIqomykeixJWa-PTiEwJFwIT7-RcQ7NT4IAxm0o7VssbnoyaAWyYnvK8MS_Ys3iNBNCED0-vTEpLqxOCskMz0A_QTPZLQiX4oM0LElLQIGvPPntYXXmqs7ZmRs_zBJt3eHdTP5xFI0iQmIIqKHZU5Nk7la4WnUfg8F9lwtVihTiwLQqkk8fS7h3BbkMakbWTpi7UIMflq6KPDHiJteEyx1W4REb1NNf63uFIYIz3vbs39ksjJZLi0cofEqY-cY-awrKqqSdnIay8pyUEW3XXA1z5vzwVhFI38utdMngoVbmkPG31Bj_85uednijjNylbmJAtb-XLbLWY2bkyLO4BJT1zSMCRsQQaqyzYfqGD9XfgmNNZwox9loO7IbugC4nS0NppVnqi9QURawRGOsgnBQI0wOxu1TjPMsX9KsvmjezKypCkU1/https%3A%2F%2Fappalachiancc.org%2F> and Appomattox Court House National Historical Park seek a year-long intern to conduct in-depth research on African American civilians in Appomattox, VA to directly shape the park's interpretation of this community's history. Work will include on-site and off-site work with national and local archives, research repositories, oral histories, and in-park resources.  The final report will become a critical part of the park's archives and resources, and it will inform future exhibits, interpretive programs, special events, and planning efforts.

The intern will work directly with Education and Visitor Services and Cultural Resources Management staff for research methods training, orientation to park resources, research needs and objectives, and the NPS mission. Initial project meetings will outline specific archives and record sources targeted for this project. Specific work experience will include researching all available records that may contain information about African American civilians of immediate pre-war, wartime, and Reconstruction-era Appomattox including: Church records, Freedmen’s Bureau Records, County Records, the Southern Claims Commission, plus newspapers, archives, leads on privately held records (family descendants), and other sources that may be discovered. The intern will also gain exposure to career opportunities in the National Park Service. The project’s final product will be comprised of copies of primary (and limited secondary) source documents and photographs, a formal file system with full outline, and final summary report of findings to serve as a reference for park staff.

Funds for research travel will be provided. Work will be performed primarily in indoor spaces and working with multiple research facilities, diverse communities, and the park team.

This position is full-time for one year. The Intern will be paid $19.00/hour and offered medical benefits.

For more information and to submit an application, visit: https://corpspositions.silkroad.com/sccorpscext/UnplacedPages/Job.html?jobid=2861

Contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with questions.

Please share widely!

Thank you,

Michelle Marsich


Associate Program Director

Appalachian Conservation Corps


[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>



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Service. Community. Wild Places.