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February 2019


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Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Feb 2019 14:31:40 +0000
text/plain (5 kB) , text/html (14 kB) , ASE_CFP_2019.docx (14 kB)

From: Davis, Samantha Lauren <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 8:05 AM
Subject: American Society for Ethnohistory Annual Conference 2019 Call for Papers

Good morning,

We will be hosting the next Annual Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory at Pennsylvania State University on September 25-29, 2019.  On behalf of the Planning Committee, we would like to ask you to please publicize the Call for Papers. The American Society for Ethnohistory (ASE) is the preeminent international organization in its field, representing multiple disciplines—anthropology, history, Native American studies, archaeology, religious studies, art history, and linguistics, among others.  Together we strive to create a more inclusive understanding of the indigenous history of the Americas.  The Society's membership includes scholars of every career stage (from graduate students to emeriti) and is international in scope, attracting participants from Europe, North America, Latin America, and beyond. Please find the Call for Papers below, attached to this email, and available on the conference website at https://secure-web.cisco.com/1ikt3Kl_YmlBIjpiOlrqfFfGrxWvIPYieTOawMMD0NcCSH6kpvs_pB6IkHZHTCgSflhkA68Jimdx2QA6kshJdoGNAr7ztPHsnDQa4pb7oUZZjKDXVJoAwz3VdaBu1XDMS0ysni6d7sMX5eXjsBIZU9_MtXfdiQjCcgFyV07ePkkczlpTf7qlSu17XyvlgqkRDzQBzw_h7m1GQEdyXGlMUoXUpFomKxjwUfPWW8F7KvUbUreBA9XxjWDHmzMTz45_ZwI6XRO0zELLkyxy9sgG4imiFWlEmHnUC9mhijp6q98jOLBXfB8JHJWZGtJeRAFnUsJTCmwb2rO0t4mmO2lYDBpV7P3JeR2TWm3Js1s_Sj_V4hagouyxke4_grkkabtIP0r5WvQc-spKb8oqDnIEmVBKUddXHbszzJwH9GDpPM0IrezujhvikdS5AclIjD_w8Y9RYAsRV_NStz7G4_Lr_kg/https%3A%2F%2Fsites.psu.edu%2Fethnohistory2019%2F<https://secure-web.cisco.com/17xFyhYVWSs9fdYzA9ZS3Acmyie_oyHRQeQNRqI-c9eWpprQTVgwGtUd3rnhaESCAGJlr_GLD8QgCKNkTV3deOvGm_Sqowovdefx63pq-ZY8hdZZuu8E41sKIwE9B6eBBERvY_W9PTbCnOL1E3RKxM7TzVOefclTxywacnvvJ64zvpziZrjVVZc-dLYWxJhGSPw_MP6krdSL0Den6U-fB3d5Sx6Kt0WxBREC3GnuE52TYyus_moZX8Jt-kr2hanJNUswMSsPpIfAKS4fOrTzZH_XTlgYJTEgZBxYfKJlFiOLj-qjhfrPO3tU9BCzTLPlFY_4iVC3gDBbfyIn0uXdXA6rUupZqZS-pHQCh1U6UW495MwSfA5NDFeArKJKoMkA5Dd-ZflCGg-XQ0Ix8I8F8X-nIf5BrVaLdwfcYvA1oT0giqraQRuVSYS-FWR0Q-q-DxCQUbsiL4tjG7-oZNjCEnQ/https%3A%2F%2Fsites.psu.edu%2Fethnohistory2019%2F>.

On behalf of the Society and the rest of the ASE 2019 Planning Committee, we sincerely thank you for assisting us in the circulation of this Call for Papers.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or requests for additional information.


Samantha Davis

Graduate Assistant

American Society for Ethnohistory, 2019

Department of History

The Pennsylvania State University

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Roots / Routes

The 2019 Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory

State College, Pennsylvania

The program committee of the 2019 ASE conference invites submissions for the annual meeting to take place on September 25-29, 2019 on the Pennsylvania State University campus in State College, PA.  We invite panel proposals on any topic within ethnohistory and especially within this year’s theme: Roots / Routes.  The program committee especially encourages thematic panels that include perspectives from both North and Latin America.  We will also take note of the fact that 2019 is the UN’s International Year of Indigenous Languages.

In attending to the histories of mobility and exchange implied by Roots / Routes, we consider the following questions: How have Indigenous peoples constructed notions of place? How do movements and exchanges create new places, change old places, and/or reconfigure or reaffirm cultures? How do people remain rooted in place and community while on the move and how do they form new relationships? How have forces such as empire, colonialism, or capitalism disrupted past routes and how have Indigenous people navigated and re-charted a changed world?

We will consider proposals for multiple formats including panels, roundtables, and public workshops.  Please note that panels can consist of three to four papers, while roundtables and “working-groups/workshops” can be more loosely formatted by each organizer, but all need to adhere to each session’s 75-minute time slot.  Please ensure your proposal has a designated chair.  You may include a separate commentator before audience discussion, or you may designate the panel chair as commentator or discussion facilitator.  To maximize time for audience discussion, we ask papers to be 15-20 minutes (in a three-paper panel) or 10-15 minutes (in a 4-paper panel), with formal commentary no longer than 5 minutes.  Proposals for alternative formats will be entertained and we encourage proposals for a poster session.  Complete panel proposals with a chair and a commentator are preferred, but individual paper proposals will also be considered.

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2019

For each submission, organizers need to include:

1. The session’s title

2. Organizer’s name, title, and institutional affiliation

3. Participant’s names, titles, and institutional affiliations

4. For panels: panel abstract, titles and abstracts of all papers, abstracts not to be longer than 150 words

5. For roundtables: 300 word description of the topic and goals of the discussion

6. For working-groups/workshops: 300 word description of the topic and goals of the workshop

7. For posters: poster title, 150 word description, name, title, and institutional affiliation

To submit, please have all required documentation collated into a single pdf file, named with the last name of the session’s organizer.

Email all proposals to: [log in to unmask]