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April 2020


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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Apr 2020 20:53:06 +0000
I wanted to share the news that  Our application to enroll Mason in the HathiTrust ETAS (Emergency Temporary Access Service) has been approved and the service is operational for Mason students, faculty & staff. To use this you need to log into HathiTrust.

Log into HathiTrust (so they know you’re from Mason), then conduct a search.In the screenshot above I searched for Rosenzweig, Roy as an author.
If Mason owns a copy of a book in your results set and HathiTrust knows we own it (based on the data we upload about our holdings) and a HathiTrust member library has uploaded a scanned version of the volume…then you can read the entire digital version of that title online.  Those are lots of qualifiers, but there is a good chance that we might be able to access the content via this site. We can’t download it and it must read it during a 60 minute “exclusive access” window (which can be renewed in some circumstances).    Hathi says the overlap of titles we own that Hathi knows we own is 1.1 million.  Our guess is this will work better for books that existed up through the Google bookscanning project.<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1JFu3fT736v7ddt3MHpUg9xGzks1shSVGAu4srlKHgw95mhSncbsRTEg5lXNREy3tNtFGl2uhkSUojDlnjbytiRnzPN51KIlNlFNls6MWY1K0GSA5Ip5CC2DnNYyneNsm_3GCALMjD1yBc3MEZEjEULrR9vwDIX_LWa0slyYDs6VI1qK16Jfl3vCw1cEbz3Or7iHk_HmGjZMKBeucV_tnZ0pa9xWYpS_cmJVdNeUT2W7BVuwLZmVmUd2GTcgPDdKD2Fpv4VoRfo7e5-KC9pGifQS_fBGZPexjz77Ct0bnIb3rOXWNdN_2wdv66eI1vx0CvHoOqGY4TlO22C2RYz5Vs8C2lyR8Ew10qRf_lqUczLfelXRCPwvq_QUvoXo5d7MH9owOMeHGbv-PPquSNueuy1ghbk_eG1we_tczx9DtxUTlGdfuzjNMjzxrWYONnK9Q100_ieilYj_7TkcCIURFJMCom3SBtFT1wdFVclNjqJ0/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.edsurge.com%2Fnews%2F2017-08-10-what-happened-to-google-s-effort-to-scan-millions-of-university-library-books>

For a longer answer:   https://secure-web.cisco.com/1bcQ-E7FTdcxeShI8BmEERWEyjjszcjlAliSvVxVQXcGm6PRRC0-XKRkKTj1RedkH1p7g1-D1VCegwFMdjnsZjN5Zo8w-vhGLVPVrL0fqmGTbU-UW_ctCaWS1jYVHu0ps0dBxQ7bAN9OyxVAM5ZJTL1wE05mwb28SPBNcVhLSDFl25l4I_t4WaAhZF6svLUrt5npnmd7iIHx4RKimaD03ioDQ9PZStVIFW2dIbcW70lxhEizzsROptwBqzm3jHHsqoH_OAF3v0mS9SGsVaZQfKmOIhM8LCwFj5alxOxEWFfe9z6uT0kGq5rmLVRFRPhH0VLwnleHzYHwFsi2_3A9B8ncaVYh1Zltk3aJYbRLumqcdA3Nc4hUnIs3J_XS5oouvBL3j8ao1GPrnHTjgm0aVw1pX3SBh_tiFOomFfrHMVJ5NQw-NO4ag8rHgytzyNdXN/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hathitrust.org%2FETAS-User-Information

Hope this will be useful.


George D. Oberle III Ph.D. MLS
History Librarian University Libraries
Arts & Humanities Team and
Affiliate Faculty Department of History and Art History
Fenwick Library rm. 2211
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
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