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August 2021


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Susan Woods <[log in to unmask]>
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Susan Woods <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 10 Aug 2021 13:09:47 +0000
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I receive official word in evening yesterday that access to the stacks will resume on 8/16/21. This means we will lose access to the restricted copyrighted content in HathiTrust which we held in our stacks. I have pasted the message below but please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.

University Libraries is re-opening the stacks for browsing and check-out, as of Monday, August 16. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the stacks have remained closed since March 2020, with items available for pick-up request via an individual's library account or in e-format if available.
With the re-opening of the stacks, our extended emergency access with HathiTrust<https://timesync.gmu.edu/libnews/?p=10303> will end. This temporary emergency agreement allowed for access to a number of items in our collection in e-format, as long as those physical items remained non-circulating. As these items will now be available for circulation in our open stacks, electronic access will no longer be available for certain titles.
The Libraries has extensive e-resources in the form of e-books and research databases<https://infoguides.gmu.edu/dbs> which you can find via Mason Libraries Search<https://wrlc-gm.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01WRLC_GML:01WRLC_GML&lang=en>. Additionally, as the Libraries is a member organization of the HathiTrust community, Mason students, faculty and staff have access to thousands of HathiTrust collections and items not contained in our own collections. Access is available by visiting HathiTrust<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1M9R1WGlyBSHFXI7aonuwH_8gQheSwTJeZMsTflePjxJC_MNce3zVWWvyTg_eFSBLea-mK2KdcOr340p53WGTquVXWSYq-YeQ0XEoLN1Xdyjp-UIa-Iu_W0T0K62Oa6RrqLzoGDu-8HMOBn4u4BetqmBxJuvDRBPBLjLkt6KyBtld9EJYSa_mHW7B1YUzK-a3ji85JJ2kuKOkCLviEhbXQANzMapPJr9lJNacUpJL8yN9RmbiDW6rijQyFaiNuauEc4Xq5oZh8YUzEYv-hu-qFjvIprjTwdhULV4K6DhMaPJGLL0pgebHGKZ7jNdWdNf5GhhFfrxJaPxLAc4-i0GZWdy3GuoREKaq6WkdX7TYyeXIe32fqfCpSsPPt4nPtnJlLX7bgxCxVCGZA2_QVYSOT5eHUo8mXNZp9BRwZnkiWSwBbFmRgmIIUigpUnQTG3-ub7m3uPSBx664aT6v_4-FrQ/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hathitrust.org%2F>, clicking on "Log in," selecting "George Mason University" as the partner institution, and entering your Mason credentials.
For members of our community who prefer to continue to use our request and pick-up option instead of browsing the stacks in person, you are still able to request materials via your library account<http://library.gmu.edu/accounts> for pick up at our Access Services desks in each library location.

George D. Oberle III, Ph.D. MLS
History Librarian
Director, Center for Mason Legacies
Assistant Term Professor Department of History and Art History

Fenwick Library rm. 4002
4400 University Drive MS 2FL
Fairfax, VA 22030
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