If you are interested, we might be able to find a way for this to
provide credit toward a minor field in new media. No promises until
we talk it over, but a possibility.
Steven A. Barnes
Assistant Professor of History
George Mason University
On Apr 16, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Sheila Brennan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I told Rebekah that I would forward this around, but I assumed it
> was for a paid position. This doesn’t seem to be the case, But, if y
> ou know
> of any MA new media students who need an internship, or others, this
> could be a good opportunity.
> Sheila
> The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is looking for an interested
> graduate student to take on some data/ content/ systems/ structural
> development, during either/ both summer and fall 2010. We are open
> to talk with students that can pursue a project for graduate credit
> and experience toward research and degree completion that would be
> of mutual benefit to the Museum. Both content management and data/
> systems work are areas we want help, but we are also interested to
> talk to students with more specific projects in mind. We are open to
> have interns develop, coordinate and implement projects under some
> direction from staff for either internal or external audiences: both
> general visitors and target audiences that the museum serves.
> Interns will have an opportunity to learn more about the Museum, our
> pedagogical practices, and how we work with various audiences.
> Interested students can email Dr. Rebekah Sobel, [log in to unmask]
> Please include a CV and describe project interests in the email.
> ________________________
> Sheila A. Brennan, Ph.D.
> Associate Director of Public Projects
> Center for History and New Media
> George Mason University
> 703-879-8366
> http://chnm.gmu.edu
> [log in to unmask]