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September 2022


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Susan Woods <[log in to unmask]>
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Susan Woods <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 21 Sep 2022 20:38:10 +0000
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The RRCHNM Executive Director Search Committee is pleased to announce that we have one candidate, Lincoln Mullen, for the position of Mills' successor.  He will be making two presentations on his vision for RRCHNM, one aimed for a department audience and one aimed for a more internal audience of the center.  All people who are part of the department of History and Art History are invited to join us for both presentations.

November 4th, 10:30am: Department Presentation

November 7th, 1pm: Center Presentation

This will be a hybrid event so you are welcome to join us in the Roy Room of the center (our main room, which contains the Roy mural) or via Zoom at the following link.

PLEASE join us for these presentations and following discussions as you are able. This is a chance for both the candidate and the committee to hear your thoughts and ideas about the future of the center, and we very much want your input during this process.

Laura Brannan Fretwell, Yvette Jordan, Alison Landsberg, Thanh Nguyen, Mike O'Malley, Jessica Otis, Suzy Smith

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Passcode: 387853
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Dr. Jessica Otis
Assistant Professor of History
Director of Public Projects
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
George Mason University