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June 2022


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Suzanne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
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Suzanne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Jun 2022 15:52:01 +0000
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Dear Ph.D. Students,

I officially start my term as Ph.D. Director on July 1. I have forwarded this message below regarding discount pricing and a July sale for graduate student membership in the Southern Historical Association (including a welcome gift!).

I encourage all interested students to apply for membership!

Suzanne E. Smith
Professor of History
Ph.D. Director
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
(571) 748-5556
(703) 993-1251 (fax)

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Author of:
To Serve the Living: Funeral Directors and the African American Way of Death<https://www.amazon.com/Serve-Living-Funeral-Directors-American/dp/0674036212/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496671809&sr=8-1&keywords=To+serve+the+living>
"Dancing in the Street": Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit<https://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Street-Cultural-Politics-Detroit/dp/0674005465/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496671837&sr=8-1&keywords=dancing+in+the+street+motown>

From: Stewart, Whitney <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 10:12 AM
To: Stewart, Whitney <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: Kelly Kennington <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Southern Historical Association Graduate Student Memberships


I'm reaching out on behalf of the Membership Committee of the Southern Historical Association, the nearly 90-year-old society dedicated to the study of the US South. The SHA's Graduate Student Council provided us with a list of Directors of Graduate Studies, including yourself, to contact in the hopes of growing our vibrant graduate student membership.

At once friendly and rigorous, the SHA provides opportunities for connecting with like-minded scholars from multiple professional backgrounds. This is one of the many reasons I've been a member of the SHA since I was a graduate student. The benefits of membership for graduate students are many. Four issues of the association's top-tier Journal of Southern History keep grad students engaged in the latest scholarly debates. Discounts on registration for the annual meeting (which opens July 1) encourage students to present their research and network with junior and senior scholars. Updates from the organization ensure that graduate students can take advantage of the SHA's new initiatives including the Junior Scholars Workshop and the Mentoring Meet-up. All of this and more is available to grad students for the low annual membership cost of $20. Plus, during our upcoming membership drive in the month of July, new members will get $5 off the cost of membership and a welcome gift when they use the code 2022SHA. Even better, faculty or departments can sponsor students, covering the membership fee and opening the world of SHA to students at no cost to them. You can find out more about everything mentioned here at our website, https://secure-web.cisco.com/1zMz8hydBxVMXT2ZuI5FE2ReV2htS6_5ordYFnP4NtJ-VQcvyMcw1nVrMOAp983MkNc4e6N8YpYzPaZ0F4J9Fb4tyQ5Ec3VQXddVE0n2XjGVEn6ltqY6wCkeCcAp4wKUKgzoOVhGq7mMyop_5jt4Kbl2FL_egDb7BNLU0S0qKetCT7poM7JF2gH3g5TarwO99X-G1QMb52c0Phs_Jkgkb62QJdqMu6j09g84eNnQCoQkqPJDrrZs5y0tpK0WRhOvDDcDhf1lWBUs3VgJ45T8k1D4qCNm_wf2YcG0KCKd-dqY9GT62Rn7FrME8pEfMCyyRr_dl9hUUac1_Utv_RAfjyFlJe-FdPmcL4nBPmqaoHoY_GbJTC_ipF3eQRCesL3cdjnpsL522Hdd9LfNxT9PE6sl1YFCMRqZMUC41ZSMG70PuHb1GBtvTodibT2uD2AVRiJ_71IB2w5mc3-b3FjWGTA/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesha.org%2F<https://secure-web.cisco.com/18BWy6wjaNpmTyBuS0TtlT5R1A8h-Lo6a4AxA0bXRGGb9af1A0QNLIOWhQwiZVhlHSXOiVJ2ao9ax2I737pPpHomabvAUM4IEWfO459c0dzLStq6HTq7MXUGmrJVf8YND263HFzaNSKyZbdvAirl1xNvJn1sPZ8hS73PCyZ21c4ErMpvwKierhFQNigAS5Bu-wY5lAplgEyDDum3pS2kRkU3BqRF0D6U4_uFRd-phtIQdJ3nDopqykMqBNYZmPBly5bAgZ9fZ1xDpbrGqacqbwvcYr6gwULkB5-p-myoBRAvthGBVCltESgwgk06Zh54XeiH46hZbeE_KHCzWVeMuVCif0Ic-_R0gWeZ46eq1Q3yJWUfgO3_NihlS6G1KK2pH8-mSvldP53-7n714tEGWqboCUzAjUeQRiWjKpynGD3HGb3LfGdAkZjxjo7Cb0VFfLB09oHnbfurPOGs3X_gpig/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thesha.org%2F>.

Being a graduate student can be unmooring, but the SHA and its annual meeting provide a community of diverse yet like-minded folks interested in studying all facets of southern history. I was grateful to become a part of this community more than a decade ago, and I hope you will encourage your graduate students to do the same. If you are willing, please send this information to students in your program who may be interested in joining our organization. I'm also happy to answer any questions they or you may have. And if you are no longer your program's DGS, please do let us know who is currently serving in that position so we can update our list.


Whitney Stewart


Whitney Nell Stewart, PhD


Assistant Professor of History

Faculty, Edith O'Donnell Institute of Art History

University of Texas at Dallas