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May 2021


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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
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Emily M Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 May 2021 13:02:05 +0000
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From: George Oberle <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2021 8:00 AM

Subject: Three new databases


We have three new primary sources databases added permanently to our collections thanks to the Virtual Library of Virginia partnership (VIVA)<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1DiViZm_vs-0BTj6DuFBHaovbSTik6gN4ZLMKCJQ1VYtuNRda4LRnwaaAn5NCt-Ff6vzyoJmQCRPeAJHqOKCfeAx3X0bd5IU-ZIvy980fgRPg3xIUfeMIYjnSy4SBiwS6FYkRGVLZmhc7E2Nze_olTUep4yCtwWj2dU5-CqywVaXVcWFLnRvD1MC4NT1yO_Vcyo8BZRYCA7R7hgBHleq3CHaMzWHFnIbK-Epn1StDBA_emkhqG7gDs3uX30fRIdsHoqrzozDaw9BBdvpqkVsmTnSmAa9GViI_zZxiHb8-8W0f3RBEW4SnZCeX_9ah6kJZqWZUTQxcbMwb-HTn3sQjmy-7xMtw2dIDtFI3wcXRc1WsgRJ5lnSZouDH8RIb6wq8TFRJ7ItFynBna5st_t8GgUSdXrVulFhSH7gXDj1l8LWEneVMJp7b6RWBnfd9ti-n/https%3A%2F%2Fvivalib.org%2Fviva%2Fhomepage>. The links and descriptions of the resources, one is from the company Gale, and two are from Readex, is below. Both are excellent specialized collections purchased with support from SCHEV’s Fund for Excellence and Innovation. These databases are available to all VIVA institutions across the state. They are listed in the “database finder” under History: https://infoguides.gmu.edu/az.php?s=27308 I will add them to my primary source guides soon.  Hope these can be useful to you.


Indigenous Peoples of North America<http://mutex.gmu.edu/login?URL=http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/viva_gmu?db=INDP>

Collection of primary source documents from American and Canadian government sources and institutions, tribal publications, and documents from Indian-related organizations, including a selection of indigenous-language materials. The collection covers topics such as Indian removal, Indian wars and the frontier army, Indian delegations and Indian-federal relations, treaty policies, government boarding and missionary schools, dances and festivals, Indian languages and linguistics, water and fishing rights, civil rights, and more.

African Americans and Jim Crow, 1883-1922<http://mutex.gmu.edu/login?URL=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/?p=AAJCRP>

Contains more than 1,000 fully searchable printed works from the beginning of Jim Crow to post-World War I. These works provide insights into African American culture and life during this period of segregation and disenfranchisement and include such topics as African American identity, relationships with peoples of other nations, and literature.

African Americans and Reconstruction, 1865-1883<http://mutex.gmu.edu/login?URL=https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/?p=AARHS>

Contains nearly 1,400 fully searchable printed works from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of Jim Crow. It includes documents related to African Americans and citizenship, voting rights, literacy, land rights, employment, and more, including the gaps between written law and practice.

George D. Oberle III, Ph.D. MLS
History Librarian

Director, Center for Mason Legacies

Assistant Term Professor Department of History and Art History

Fenwick Library rm. 4002
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-993-4175 (I am not onsite so please email)
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