CCWH/Berks Graduate Student Fellowship 2017
The Coordinating Council for Women in History and the Berkshire Conference of Women’s History Graduate Student Fellowship assists graduate students completing a dissertation in a History Department. This $1000 fellowship can be used to support a crucial stage of research or writing. The applicant must be a CCWH member, a graduate student in history in a U.S. institution of any rank; must have passed to A.B.D. status by the time of application; may specialize in any field of history; may hold this award and others simultaneously; and need not attend the award ceremony to receive the award. The deadline for the award is 15 May 2017. Please go to<> for membership and online application details.
Thank you, and all best,
Naomi Taback, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Intellectual Heritage Program
Temple University