I am hiring two PhD students at Mason to work with me conducting archival research at the US National Archives in College Park (NARA II). This research is for my project "The First Global Bank: Revisiting the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)." I plan also to assist the students in developing their own interpretations of the NARA documents and in publishing their interpretations, if they wish. Each student would be paid $20 per hour and work 8 hours per week for 14 weeks. For each eight-hour day, each student will be paid for ten hours in order to pay for time spent traveling to NARA II. Students can begin work the first week of spring semester or earlier in January. If you are interested in applying, please send me your CV and a cover letter explaining any experience and interest in archival research by January 7, 2019 (I will consider applications after that date too).
Johanna Bockman
Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Affairs
George Mason University
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