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August 2019


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HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Aug 2019 22:08:15 +0000
Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
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FYI, an internship opportunity for next spring, from Tony Guidone, who had the internship in the past.

From: aguidone <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2019 12:22 PM
To: Sam Lebovic <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Fw: Spring 2020 internship at the General Services Administration

Hi Sam,

I received an email from my previous internship supervisor at the General Services Administration, they are looking for another intern starting in the spring of 2020. I did this internship two summers ago. It is a blend of historic preservation, public history, and digital history. It is not a conventional historic preservation internship. The main project I worked on was organizing files that documented government construction projects. Some of them were restorations on historic court houses, but others were new construction. They are interested in preserving the history of these projects so they also did some oral history interviews with the architects. It was not a difficult job and the scheduling was flexible (including the option to work 20 hours a week part-time). Would you mind sending this to the listserv?

The internship is funded through the National Council for Preservation Education at $15/hour.
http://secure-web.cisco.com/1l2btj2reppHsmvQw6hHjAMZWFShjZXd9vdIdWuLn_Niz9Vup9MKRuUprEWPJ4X-Ojf38fdPR7i_Vkg3B_0zNzlZ2LgF1zyJrF8TGiwTf0kY779QwvltqrpqjVoNNiv7Rgj_hnUlLZQI1TgKLFHyF5CEi6V8DK31S2nfLPtuJyPsUI1sdVVfZQNGjUcVnn3t-oG5joG1EAwAYEulQ5OxPrxMBIYKy_st7ioqT46U_F961sedrxuWpXr_8uk8mXjgmCqasr6gvsAGLLw4mSMXnUEmZnGydkMWYIJkklOfNOtTlnGBb6oYOhPMzwwCTGNBddekBq3NUHEQeIKaLQ9eza8wQgLlNv_xvbhUqi-FLDMo1aP1H0SeKpM8w15bha9KYbIN4Y7BazDjMEbFURL93wA/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.preservenet.cornell.edu%2Femploy%2Fncpe.php<http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Yfq3IGmuMYbHwI1C-5eZALMJtZSzaHW8nXreZzk28W-0JMIuqs9yE1sPJjnb2jYu6rTKPtNuBfbAO83F1Eyw63XfcR4GYE4ZOouzUU-INLlxlTtSJAimDfrO85LkUNybURVeKoM1GvvM4CKUdmJcyEJGXi5B6eAoVj2StG9YYIPlUUUCgYuFHUL8Gh9BTIhFBndJGR1MZ4USS376TcaNLQ3S1uZqvQDgnz-PnHhEk3dSUbMMjV6KeqfSMaS9zyo91-rHT3pKyOuMbUXN2TkEdhX8WZkV79GKXdVnx6xhryqITsWyS-DYnLLRQi56a27INMUHY-P2dphi2ptj0ofdrkBhHWz3CLTuEvmU7gJWcVvN00OwLK1aj3s_oUgmwVCXusrV7-PrWjQaXHD9zTl4qWYDsbcYOBKe6EncSxHhh9rJhzCeWmD_m_AQ91G_nKvg/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.preservenet.cornell.edu%2Femploy%2Fncpe.php> (the website has not been updated for Spring 2020 internships yet, but it has the application form).

If anyone is interested please email Renee Pilone ([log in to unmask]). You could also email myself and I will pass along your email to Renee.


From: Renee Pilone <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 2:36 PM
To: aguidone <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: internship at the General Services Administration

Here is the description of what we're looking an intern to do:

3310. General Services Administration, Design Excellence Program: This internship is located in the Design Excellence Program of GSA's Office of the Chief Architect. The Design Excellence Program operates through GSA's Public Buildings Service (PBS). GSA's PBS directs the federal government's multibillion-dollar building program, which includes construction, renovation, alteration, and repair of federal office buildings, courthouses, land ports of entry, and other facilities. The intern will help with building documentation functions related to the Design Excellence Program. The program documents important buildings and sites through video, photography, and publications highlighting the narrative of their design and construction. Intern assignments will be related to building documentation activities and may include the following: (1) Assisting with the management of image library and distribution of design publications and other materials; (2) Organizing building documentation materials such as digital photography and supporting files; (3) Working with other agencies such as the Library of Congress or the National Archives to transfer materials. The intern should be highly organized and have basic Adobe Photoshop skills. Located in Washington, D.C. (400 hours).
It seems that the earliest that we could get someone onboard is for spring semester.  Anybody you could send our way would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you had a good 4th!

Renee Pilone, AICP
Design Excellence
Office of the Chief Architect
General Services Administration