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March 2015


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Mon, 2 Mar 2015 17:37:59 +0000
Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
Cynthia A Kierner <[log in to unmask]>
HISTPHD-L <[log in to unmask]>
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From: Susan B Woodruff
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 12:27 PM
To: C Stephen White; Ellen Rodgers; Frank J Whittington; Guoqing Diao; Jamie S Cooper; John H. Crockett; Kevin M Curtin; Lisa C Kahn; Mark D Uhen; Richard E Wagner; Sandra Cheldelin; Stephen G. Nash; Thys Van Schaik; A Trevor Thrall; Adam J Winsler; Aditya Johri; Albert P Torzilli; Amihai Motro; Anastasia Kitsantas; Anna V. Baranova; Andrew Guccione; Ariela Sofer; Barry Klinger ([log in to unmask]); Brett H Say; Brian Platt; C Stephen White; Carol Q Urban; Chi Yang; Chris Aguilar; Christopher J Coyne; Cynthia A Kierner; David Straus; David Walnut; Deborah J Hutton; Denise Albanese; Devon Johnson; Diane St. Germain; Donna Fox; Douglas Eyman; Elizabeth C Eck; Eric Max Mcglinchey; Estela Blaisten-Barojas; Gary R Galluzzo; Iosif Vaisman; Jagadish Shukla; Joan E Stahle; Joseph J Pancrazio; John Dale; Karen Underwood; Kevin B Wright; Kylene Kehn-Hall; Laura Kosoglu; Lisa Hill Corley; Margaret E Koback; Mary Schifferli; Melissa C Hayes; Monson H Hayes; Paul S Schopf; Paul So; Rachel Bergman; Rebecca Goldin; Reeshad S Dalal; Robert L Axtell; Robert Mallinson; Sanjeev Setia; Sharon Bloomquist; Steven H Weinberger; Susan Ridley; Therese Michael; Timothy Gibson; Timothy Leslie; Avrama Blackwell; Juliette R Shedd
Cc: Laura Lukes; Ashleen G Gayda
Subject: Now Accepting PROV 701 Applications

Greetings Colleagues,

CTFE is now accepting applications for our PROV 701 program, Preparing for Careers in the Academy. This program is geared toward advanced PhD and MFA students interested in joining the academic ranks after graduation.

The program overview and the application process can both be found online at http://ctfe.gmu.edu/professional-development/preparing-for-careers-in-the-academy-program/.

The deadline for applications is Monday, March 30. Please share this information with your students, faculty, and relevant graduate education groups.

Many thanks,
Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellence
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, MS 4D6
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 993-8652
ctfe.gmu.edu | @MasonCTFE