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February 2010


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Leslie Silkworth <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 16 Feb 2010 14:58:05 -0500
text/plain (78 lines)
March 1 and the start of EDCI 777 is quickly approaching.  Students 
planning to take EDCI 777 starting March 1 need to know the following:

    * Class starts on Blackboard on March 1.  You should check into
      Blackboard no later than that date.  Presently the site is not
      available.  It should be up in a week or so.
    * Your GMU email user ID and password will be used to access EDIC
      777 in Blackboard.  If you have forgotten your ID or password or
      the email has become inactive, please take care of it as soon as
      possible.  For help with your email, you can email ITU support
      at:  [log in to unmask] or call them at 703-993-8870.
    * The URL for Blackboard is:  courses.gmu.edu
    * You should have ordered books by now.  If you have not, please do
      so immediately at: 
    * All communication will be via GMU email; please do not use
      personal email addresses.
    * Tuition will not be due until the last week of April because the
      course is considered a summer course.  We will send all students a
      reminder via listserve.
    * EDCI 777 will meet in the classroom during the third summer
      session, July 21-July 30.
    * The summer registration form will be posted on the FAST TRAIN
      website mid March.  You can fill it out at that time.  If you
      previously sent us a request to be added to the 777 list, you will
      have already been added to Blackboard.  If you did not send an
      email to us or do not see your name on this list and plan to take
      EDCI 777 in summer 2010, please email: [log in to unmask] as soon as
      possible to be added to Blackboard.  If you wish to be removed
      from the list because your plans have changed, please also email
      the above email address.  Below is the list of students we have on
      the 777 list:

Abdullaeva 	Olmohon 	ESL
Adum-Bawuah 	Maame 	Elem
Beaumont 	Mark 	Elem
Bollinger 	Nancy 	Elem
Bondellio 	Gregory 	ESL
Brown 	Jeff 	Elem
Buckley(Harvley-Felder) 	Irene 	ESL
Burke 	Tammy 	ESL
Carter 	Katy 	ESL
Climo 	Tasha 	Elem
Cuellar 	Teal 	Elem
Easley 	Virginia 	ESL
Eckel 	Elizabeth 	Elem
Eisenhauer 	Matthew 	ESL
Gaines 	Joan 	Elem
Garcia 	Marly 	Elem
Gasimov 	Kristen 	ESL
Gaylord 	Suzanne 	ESL
Gunzenhauser 	Ann 	Elem
Henson 	Marie 	ESL
Inglese 	Regina 	Eem
King 	Patrick 	ESL
Klein 	Jennifer 	Elem
Kronitis 	Eric 	Elem
Maloney 	Shannon 	Elem
Manzano 	Angielita 	ESL
Mohr 	Rebecca 	ESL
Nuttall 	Galen 	Elem
Ramirez 	Karen 	Elem
Reiff 	Asta 	ESL
Riddile 	Kate 	ESL
Riley 	Jodi 	ESL
Schroder 	Dawn 	Elem
Scrivener 	Kathryn 	ESL
Shatford-Adams 	Joanne 	ESL
Shectman 	David 	ESL
Smith 	Timothy 	Elem
Sprague 	Heather 	Elem
Sturtevant 	Lee 	ESL
Thigpen 	Della 	Elem
Velez 	Katrina 	ESL
Vemuri 	Annette 	
Whelan 	Katherine 	
Zill 	Caroline 	ESL