February 2014


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Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]>
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ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:31:33 -0500
text/plain (23 lines)
On Feb 25, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Raymond Shpeley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I'm looking into another option that I find easier to wrap my brain around than 
> GE. The thing is it's going to require mods to Initializer, Breeder, Evaluator, and 
> probably stats if not more. The option is to use permutation trees that in 
> essence act as a virtual population for the known permutations of the data. 
> One instance can create the full range of permutations if selected. The 
> permutations are defined by indices, making crossover easier. In my case all 
> indices should be integers. A permutation tree is atomic to its type (such as 
> timeslot), which forms a natural crossover boundary. It's sort of a predefined 
> leafpile which, as a subtree, can be plugged into other subtrees. Along with the 
> permutation tree is a collection which holds the other relevant data recovered 
> by an index value. This is used by reports and possibly stats to find out what 
> the heck was being worked on. Currently the permutation tree is a binary tree 
> since it's easier to work out the selection mechanism with it.
> So any advice on this one? Do overloading as much as possible? What about 
> the scope of the work? Any particular examples that seem to fit my case?

There's not much.  This is not an ECJ issue, but an EC one: it's a one of you needing a custom representation for your problem.  You'll need to think hard about how you'd really represent this problem in a way that makes sense from a breeding point of view.  I think the actual ECJ implementation is the least of your concerns.
