February 2014


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Raymond Shpeley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Feb 2014 15:17:37 -0500
text/plain (99 lines)
I've run tutorial 4 with a run configuration of,
  -file ec/app/tutorial4/tutorial4.params -p stat.gather-full=true
on Eclipse.

The out.stat file has no final stats,

Generation: 0
Best Individual:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=0.31332272 Adjusted=0.76142746 Hits=4
Tree 0:
 (+ (+ (* x y) y) (* (* x y) (* x x)))

Generation: 1
Best Individual:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=0.36333463 Adjusted=0.7334956 Hits=3
Tree 0:
 (+ (+ (* x y) y) (* (- (* (+ y y) (+ y x))
     (- (* y x) (- y x))) (* x x)))

Generation: 2
Best Individual:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=0.14358631 Adjusted=0.8744421 Hits=6
Tree 0:
 (+ y (+ (* (- y y) (- y x)) (* x y)))

Generation: 3
Best Individual:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=1.6653345E-16 Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10
Tree 0:
 (+ (+ (* x y) y) (* (- (+ x y) x) (* x x)))

Generation: 4
Best Individual:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=2.220446E-16 Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10
Tree 0:
 (+ (+ (* x y) y) (* (- (+ x y) x) (* x x)))

Generation: 5
Best Individual:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=0.0 Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10
Tree 0:
 (+ y (+ (* (- y y) (* x x)) (- (* x (+ (*
     x y) y)) (- x x))))

Best Individual of Run:
Subpopulation 0:
Evaluated: true
Fitness: Standardized=1.6653345E-16 Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10
Tree 0:
 (+ (+ (* x y) y) (* (- (+ x y) x) (* x x)))

The console didn't show any early termination.

Threads:  breed/1 eval/1
Seed: 1010753167 
Job: 0
Setting up
Processing GP Types
Processing GP Node Constraints
Processing GP Function Sets
Processing GP Tree Constraints
Initializing Generation 0
Subpop 0 best fitness of generation Fitness: Standardized=0.31332272 
Adjusted=0.76142746 Hits=4
Generation 1
Subpop 0 best fitness of generation Fitness: Standardized=0.36333463 
Adjusted=0.7334956 Hits=3
Generation 2
Subpop 0 best fitness of generation Fitness: Standardized=0.14358631 
Adjusted=0.8744421 Hits=6
Generation 3
Subpop 0 best fitness of generation Fitness: Standardized=1.6653345E-16 
Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10
Generation 4
Subpop 0 best fitness of generation Fitness: Standardized=2.220446E-16 
Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10
Generation 5
Subpop 0 best fitness of generation Fitness: Standardized=0.0 Adjusted=1.0 
Found Ideal Individual
Subpop 0 best fitness of run: Fitness: Standardized=1.6653345E-16 
Adjusted=1.0 Hits=10

Any idea why I'm not getting full stats?

-- ray