January 2012


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J. Alejandro Zepeda Cortés <[log in to unmask]>
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ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 23:19:17 -0300
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In a GA implementation using ECJ, I created a class as the domain model
responsible to load its own data.

Before running the ECJ framework I set this model into a singleton that ECJ
just accessed from the problem class (defined from the property definition
file). .

Using this singleton as a "portal" to pass any data does not seem to be the
right way... but it worked. In my case, I used ECJ as a jar into my
application to enforce abstraction and encapsulation in my code.

So, if I choose not to touch the ECJ code and use it as a dependency
artifact, how should I pass a configurated class to run?

Maybe the parameter database is the right way but using a jar?

        catch(Throwable t)
            logger.error(t, t);
            throw new ORException("Error in ECJ!", t);

Now I am working on a GP project so it would be interesting to know your
experience in this topic.

Best regards,

PD: Please excuse my written english.

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:53 PM, George Papaioannou <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> I'm a new user of ECJ. I'm trying to make a genetic algorithm which will
> find the best examination timetable according to some rules, which will be
> used for implement the fitness function.
> The algorithm's final data will be an array which will include rows with
> the
> lesson's name, the date and the time of the examination or even better a
> list of objects with properties the name, and the date and time of the
> examination.
> I decided to use the IntegerVectorIndividual with the using the table
> indices as the Integer Numbers of the vector.
> My questions are:
> 1. I will define some classes in order to load the algorithms data i.e.
> Students , Lessons. How can I load the data from a file, in order to use
> them in ECJ?
> 2. Is it possible to create a global array in order to load the data in it
> and using it in ECJ?
> Thanks in advance,
> George Papaioannou


J. Alejandro Zepeda Cortés
Ing. Civil Informático
Celular: +56-9-98184077
Skype: zepeda.torreblanca
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