December 2016


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ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Dec 2016 10:44:38 -0500
ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
multipart/alternative; boundary=001a114440fc69ce5d0544e21456
Eric 'Siggy' Scott <[log in to unmask]>
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Hmm.  That is odd, because, from what I can see, ECJ only calls the
Gene.reset() method *via* the VectorSpecies class—so
state.population.subpops[0].species should not be null at the time your
method is called.

If you share your parameter file and the code for your reset() method I can
see if any obvious issue jumps out to me as the cause for the NPE.

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Enzo Fabbiani <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Eric,
> I was able to get access to problem information by adding those sentence
> in my code in the reset function (not setup), but I'm getting null pointer
> exception when trying to retrieve the Species object.
> 2016-12-28 21:54 GMT-03:00 Eric 'Siggy' Scott <[log in to unmask]>:
>> Enzo,
>> Were you able to solve your problem?  Or could you still use assistance?
>> The usual way to access information in another class when initializing an
>> object in ECJ is to use the global EvolutionState object to walk through
>> the program's state and find what you want.
>> So, in the 'setup()' method of your BusProblemLine class, you would
>> retrieve the Species object with something like this:
>> final GeneVectorSpecies species = (GeneVectorSpecies)
>> state.population.subpops[0].species;
>> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Enzo Fabbiani <[log in to unmask]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi there, I'm facing some trouble when trying to initialize population.
>>> My custom class BusProblemLine (which extends from Gene) implements
>>> reset function.
>>> In order to do that, some problem information is needed. This info is
>>> read from files and loaded into atributes in the setup function in
>>> GeneVectorSpecies and can be accessed from evaluate function in my problem
>>> class.
>>> How can I access to this information in BusProblemLine to initialize the
>>> population (as well as mutate and crossover).
>>> I've tried to read data in the reset function but it explodes for out of
>>> memory. What is more, it gets initializing more times than the population
>>> size, is this ok?
>>> Regards,
>>> Enzo
>> --
>> Ph.D student in Computer Science, George Mason University
>> CFO and Web Director, Journal of Mason Graduate Research


Ph.D student in Computer Science, George Mason University
CFO and Web Director, Journal of Mason Graduate Research