November 2015


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"BARI, ATM GOLAM" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Nov 2015 14:47:07 -0500
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Sure.  But instead of doing that, why not just subclass the problem in
question and substitute an eval which does:

                modify the individual
                call super.eval

>>I subclass the problem and call its evaluate(..) method inside the
evalPopChunk(..) of my customized evaluator. Is it not the same as you
suggested above?

>>Another query: In this case, the problem.evaluate(..) does nothing but
some checking   and sets ind.evaluated = false because I am waiting for
the evaluation data (ie. fitness) in my custom evaluator. It takes time to
get the fitness. So, what I do is to wait and as soon as I get any fitness
data, I counter check the hash of sending genotype vs receiving genotype
that is already evaluated. If they match, then I set the fitness in
evaluator using setFitness(...) method. Then do ind.evaluated = true.

So, my question is : If I perform some  work ( eg. fitness sharing ) on the
fitness before calling setFitness(), then I set the updated fitness using
setFitness() do I need to do some extra work on breeding/selection or post
statistics? More specifically, is the updated fitness contribute in the
selection process of breeding pipeline?   Currently, I do fitness sharing
before calling setFitness() but the data are not convincing even the ECJ
stdout outputs for best fitness does not matches the per generational

Thanks for you time

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 8:10 PM, BARI, ATM GOLAM <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Thanks a lot for your reply. Yes, it is working now.
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> On Nov 13, 2015, at 4:45 PM, Bari <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> > I need to modify the first cell of an individual's genome and then send
>> that individual to problem's evaluate(). As for example, if the genome is
>> [10, 5, 3, 11, 12], I want to keep the first number (here it is 10) between
>> 1 to 5. I can do that using IntegerVectorIndividual's genome field. But I
>> can't modify the Individual in that way. As a result, I am not able to send
>> a modified individual to problem's evaluate().
>> Why not?  Why can't you just say
>>         ((IntegerVectorIndividual)ind).genome[0] = 4?
>> > I read about Individual and the documentation says that Individual is
>> immuatable but modification can be done and it is safe in a single threaded
>> environment. But I am not finding any way (eg. any method like SetGenome()
>> in IntegerVectorIndividual) to do that. Any suggestion is appreciated.
>> Individual is not immutable per se.  If you're doing this during
>> evaluate, it's probably safe to do so.
>> > NB: I am not subclassing EvolutionState directly, I am using state =
>> ec.simple.simpleEvolutionState in param file but eval is replaced by my own
>> evaluator which is extending ec.simple.SimpleEvaluator.
>> Sure.  But instead of doing that, why not just subclass the problem in
>> question and substitute an eval which does:
>>         Eval:
>>                 modify the individual
>>                 call super.eval
>> Sean