Hello Rob,
the problems you have get from parameter file :
nodeconstraints ARE objects from a specified class !
** in the old param file ../../ecj13/ec/gp/koza/koza.params,
there were 7 nodeconstraints defined (gp.nc.size = 7)
AND each one (#) was defined with A MINIMUM of 4 lines:
gp.nc.# = ec.gp.GPNodeConstraints
gp.nc.#.name = MYTYPE
gp.nc.#.returns = TYPERET
gp.nc.#.size = MYSIZE
** in the list of params you gave in last post,
the line "gp.nc.# = ec.gp.GPNodeConstraints" was missing !
(for each nodeconstraint !)
SOLUTION : add to your param file the 2 lines:
gp.nc.7 = ec.gp.GPNodeConstraints
gp.nc.8 = ec.gp.GPNodeConstraints
** the last other 7 lines have already been written in