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November 2011


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Christopher Hollander <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Evolutionary Computation Digest <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 4 Nov 2011 00:38:58 -0400
text/plain (927 lines)
Evolutionary Computation Digest - Friday, November 4th, 2011 Volume 25: Issue 11

SUBMISSION ADDRESS:    [log in to unmask]

(UN)SUBSCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS:  at the bottom of this email


Today's Topics:

- Vacancy: Fully funded PhD studentship/scholarship
- Fellowship announcement to post, EC researchers eligible
- Pre-doctoral position at the European Centre for Soft Computing
- Pre-doctoral position (PhD Grant) at the European Centre for Soft Computing

- EuroGP and Evo* 2012
- Soft Computing Journal SI on Evolutionary Computing & Complex Systems
- Artificial Life 13 - First Call for Papers
- Special Session and Competition on Large Scale Global Optimization
- Canadian Conference on AI 2012 - Graduate Students Symposium
- Call-for-Chapters for a book "Heuristics: Theory and Applications"
- WIVACE2012: Italian Workshop on AL and EC


CALENDAR OF GA-RELATED ACTIVITIES: (with EC-Digest issue reference)

EVO*, Malaga, Spain, April 11-13, 2012                                  (v25n08)
EuroGP 2012, Malaga, Spain, April 11-13, 2012                           (v25n08)
PPSN2012, Taormina, Italy, September 1-5, 2012                          (v25n11)

Sender: Xin Yao [log in to unmask]
Subject: Vacancy: Fully funded PhD studentship/scholarship

Fully-funded EPSRC PhD Studentship / Scholarship at the University of
Birmingham, UK

Title: Evolutionary Approximation Algorithms for Optimisation:
Algorithm Design and Complexity Analysis

Project Background

In the last two decades, many evolutionary algorithms (EAs), including
ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization and artificial
immune systems, have been proposed to tackle NP-hard combinatorial
optimization problems. The theoretical study in recent years has
primarily concentrated on the runtime analysis of EAs in finding the
exact optimal solution to an optimization problem. Since EAs are not
expected to find an exact optimal solution to all instances of any
NP-hard problem efficiently, the fundamental research challenge in
this project is to study what kind of approximation solutions EAs can
find to NP-hard optimization problems. Our focus will be on analyzing
theoretically what types of problems can be solved approximately and
efficiently using what kind of EAs, and why. We are particularly
interested in the relationship between problem characteristics and
algorithmic features (such as selection, mutation and crossover). The
expected outcomes of the proposed research will deepen our
understanding of why, how and when an evolutionary approximation
algorithm works significantly.

The Candidate

The successful applicant must have at least a 2.1 or above degree in
computer science or a closely related field. We consider outstanding
applicants from mathematics, physics and engineering as long as they
have sufficient computer science background. The successful applicant
must have excellent analytical and computational skills. S/he must be
an excellent team player who can work independently and communicate
well with others. A good knowledge of optimisation is required,
especially a good understanding and practical experience with modern

The Studentship / Scholarship

Duration: Three years full-time (subject to satisfactory progress).

Payments: Living expenses: GBP13,590 per year (tax-free); plus tuition
fees (GBP3,732 per year for 2011-12) fully paid.

Eligibility: Open to European Union/United Kingdom applicants only.

Deadline: The position is available immediately and will be open until
it is filled.

How to Apply

For more information on the PhD programme at Birmingham:
Please apply according to the instructions given in the above website,
NOT to the person below.

For technical enquiries only: Prof. Xin Yao ([log in to unmask])

Sender: Erik Goodman [log in to unmask]
Subject: Fellowship announcement to post, EC researchers eligible

*BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action*

*BEACON Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellows Program*


BEACON is an NSF Science and Technology Center headquartered at
Michigan State University with partners at North Carolina A&T State
University, University of Idaho, University of Texas at Austin, and
University of Washington. BEACON brings together biologists, computer
scientists, and engineers to study evolutionary dynamics using
biological and computational techniques and to apply evolutionary
principles to engineering problems. We seek outstanding post-doctoral
scholars to pursue interdisciplinary research on evolution in action
with BEACON faculty members, in the fields of biology, computer
science, and/or engineering.

Applicants will propose a research project within the scope of
BEACON's mission and must have two BEACON faculty sponsors who will
serve as research mentors should the fellowship be awarded. At least
oOne sponsor must be from the MSU faculty; the other sponsor may be
from any of the five BEACON institutions. Preference is given for
interdisciplinary research. The post-doc fellow will be based at
Michigan State University in East Lansing. Please see our website
( for information about BEACON's mission,
participants and ongoing research projects.

Applicants must submit the following, in a single PDF, to BEACON
Managing Director Danielle Whittaker via email ([log in to unmask]):

2.A two-page description of their research plan
3.A one-page summary of their doctoral research
4.Letters of support from two BEACON sponsors (at least one must be from MSU)
5.Two additional letters of recommendation

Fellowships include a salary of $50,000/year and modest funds to
support research and travel. The successful applicant will help foster
collaborations among faculty and disciplines and serve as a
professional model for pre-doctoral trainees.

A Ph.D. in biology, computer science, engineering or related fields is
required. Current MSU graduate students or postdocs are not eligible
for this fellowship. Minority applicants are especially encouraged to
apply. MSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

The deadline for applications is December 15 of each year. Finalists
will be invited to give research seminars in January/February, and the
award will be announced in late February.

Sender: Roberto Moran [log in to unmask]
Subject: Pre-doctoral position at the European Centre for Soft Computing

Research assistant position in the Research Unit for Intelligent Data
Analysis and Graphical Models at the European Centre for Soft

Reference: ECSC_Offer_2011_IDA_01

Type: Research Assistant

Research Unit:  Intelligent Data Analysis and Graphical Models

Topic: Soft methods in probability and statistics

Description: The candidate will engage in basic research within the
field of statistics with imprecise data or the field of copulas.
Additionally, the candidate will collaborate in applied projects
within the field of intelligent data analysis.

Required academic degree: Master (or Licenciado) in Mathematics,
Statistics, or similar


ñ Good knowledge and interest in probability theory and statistics
(preferrably also in copulas or statistics with imprecise data)
ñ Good programming skills, experience in data mining with R,
preferrably basic Latex knowledge
ñ Fluent English (written and spoken)
ñ good inter-personal and analytic skills, ability to concisely
formulate and pursue ideas

Salary: gross salary approximately 18k€

Send: CV and Cover Letter to  <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask]

Application period: 17.10.2011 – 04.12.2011

Roberto Morán Ramallal
Project Management Department
European Centre for Soft Computing
C/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós, s/n
Edificio de Investigación, 3ª Planta (Campus de Mieres-Universidad de Oviedo)
33600 Mieres, Asturias
Tlf +34 985 456 545
Fax: +34 985 456 699

Sender: Roberto Moran [log in to unmask]
Subject: Pre-doctoral position (PhD Grant) at the European Centre for
Soft Computing

Pre-doctoral position (PhD Grant) in the Research Unit for
Collaborative Soft Intelligent Systems at the European Centre for Soft

Reference: ECSC_Offer_2011_CSI_01

Type: FPI Grant of 4 years, two first years of grant and last two
years of contract. FPI are grants that the Spanish Ministry of Science
and Innovation awards to research organisations for the development of
PhDs by young researchers. Our Centre obtained this one in the last

Research Unit: Collaborative Soft Intelligent Systems

Topic: Abstraction, Synthesis, and Integration of Information for
Human-Robot Teams

Description: The objective of the project is the development of basic
concepts and structures for the abstraction of partial views of the
operational environment, the actions and intentions of human-robot
teams, and for their integration into common situation estimates. A
noteworthy characteristic of the approach is its utilization of
qualitative object description tools to extract significant
information, at various levels of abstraction, about the
characteristics of environment, plans, intentions, and actions of team
members. Another significant feature of the proposed approach is its
treatment of onboard information abstraction and integration employing
the same tools performing those tasks at the team level.

During the PhD, the student will develop concepts and algorithms for
the generation of qualitative object descriptions, easily
understandable by humans, and for the integration of those semantic
descriptions into coherent, high-level, descriptions of situations,
intentions, and plans.

Required academic degree: Computer Science, Industrial Engineering,
Telecommunications Engineering.

Other advisable requirements:

ñ Knowledge about Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing
ñ Knowledge and background in collection/fusion and integration of information.
ñ Fluent English (written and spoken)
ñ Good inter-personal and analytic skills, ability to concisely
formulate and pursue ideas

Salary (gross salary; approximate amounts): first two years of grant
1.142 €/month, and the last two years of contract 1.173 €/month (14

Send: CV and Cover Letter (limit of one page for the letter) to
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]

Appication period: 03.11.2011 – 12.12.2011

More Information:

Roberto Morán Ramallal
Project Management Department
European Centre for Soft Computing
C/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós, s/n
Edificio de Investigación, 3ª Planta (Campus de Mieres-Universidad de Oviedo)
33600 Mieres, Asturias
Tlf +34 985 456 545
Fax: +34 985 456 699

Sender: Sara Silva [log in to unmask]
Subject: EuroGP and Evo* 2012

15th European Conference on Genetic Programming
11-13 April 2012, Malaga - Spain

Submission deadline:
November 30, 2011

EuroGP is the premier annual conference on Genetic Programming. EuroGP
is always a very enjoyable event, held together with the other main
european events on Evolutionary Computation (EvoBio, EvoCOP,
EvoApplications, EvoMusArt), collectively designated as EvoStar
(Evo*). EvoStar 2012 takes place in Malaga, Spain, the capital of the
Costa del Sol and one of the most cosmopolitan and open cities in
Europe, widely known for its superb weather, food, and hospitality. It
offers an excellent environment for participants to enjoy their visit,
from the academic and the social point of view.

EuroGP 2012 seeks high quality papers on topics strongly related to
the evolution of computer programs, including but not limited to:
  * Theoretical developments
  * Empirical studies of GP performance and behaviour
  * Landscape analysis of GP
  * Algorithms, representations and operators
  * Applications of GP to real-life problems
  * Evolutionary design
  * Evolutionary robotics
  * Tree-based GP
  * Linear GP
  * Graph-based GP
  * Grammar-based GP
  * Evolvable hardware
  * Self-reproducing programs
  * Multi-population GP
  * Multi-objective GP
  * Fast/Parallel GP (e.g., GPU implementation of GP)
  * Probabilistic GP (e.g., combining ideas of estimation of
distribution algorithms and GP)
  * Evolution of various classes of automata or machine (e.g. cellular
automata, finite state machines, pushdown automata, Turing machines)
  * Software Engineering and GP: using GP to evolve complete programs
(e.g., including variables, loops, recursion) and using SE methods
(e.g., software design) to improve GP
  * Object-oriented GP
  * Hybrid architectures including GP components
  * Unconventional evolvable computation

The submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee. The reviewing process will be double-blind, so
please omit information about the authors in the submitted paper.
Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters at the
conference and will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.

The papers which receive the best reviews will be nominated for the
Best Paper Award. Authors of selected papers may be invited to submit
extended versions of their work to the Springer journal GPEM - Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines (
Last year, four best papers were selected for a special issue of GPEM
to be published in early 2012.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of EvoBio, EuroGP encourages
submissions applying genetic programming to problems in computational
biology and new biologically inspired extensions of the genetic
programming framework for a special joint session of EuroGP with
EvoBio. These papers can be submitted either to EuroGP or EvoBio, and
the authors of the best ones will be invited to submit extended
versions of their work to a special issue of GPEM.

Submission link:
Page limit: 12 pages in Springer LNCS format.

Important Dates:
* Submission deadline: 30 November 2011
* Notification to authors: 14 January 2012
* Camera-ready deadline: 5 February 2012
* Conference: 11-13 April 2012

For information relating to the various Evo* Tracks, please see the
main website at:

Important Dates:
* Submission deadline: 30 November 2011
* EVO* event: 11-13 April 2012

Sender: Sara Silva [log in to unmask]


12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN2012)
September 1-5, 2012 Taormina, Italy


Submission due: November 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2011
Conference: September 1-5, 2012


The PPSN2012 Organising Committee invites proposals for workshops to
be held in conjunction with PPSN 2012. The workshops are intended to
be forums to present and discuss new approaches, visions, or critical
reflections within a subfield. They provide an excellent opportunity
to meet people with similar interests, to be exposed to cutting-edge
research and to exchange ideas in an informal setting.

The organizers of an accepted workshop are responsible for its
coordination, for its publicity (e.g., for sending out call for
papers/abstracts), for collecting and reviewing the papers/abstracts,
and for maintaining a webpage providing a list of accepted talks. The
workshops can be half day or a full day long. The format can be
decided by the organizers who are encouraged to plan interactive
sessions. We suggest not to ask for full papers, but rather for
concept papers or abstracts of not more than a few pages length. All
workshops will be held during one day (Saturday, September 1st, 2012).


Prospective workshop organizers are invited to submit a plain text
workshop proposal by email to: [log in to unmask]

The proposal should include:
- title of the workshop
- brief description of the workshop topics
- potential target participants and audience
- rough estimate of the number of participants
- rough estimate of the number of talks
- contact details and a short CV of the organizer(s)

Sender: Alexandru Adrian TANTAR [log in to unmask]
Subject: Soft Computing Journal SI on Evolutionary Computing & Complex Systems

                                  Call for Papers

           Special issue of the Soft Computing Journal

         Evolutionary Computing & Complex Systems

The large-scale use and applicability of evolutionary computing for
complex real-life systems and applications determined a need for
ensuring solid theoretical grounds, providing sensitivity, resilience
or error propagation analysis results.

The aim of this special issue is to build a bridge between probabilities,
statistics, set oriented numerics and evolutionary computing, as to
identify new common and challenging research aspects useful for
highly complex systems. Out of control stochastic factors, uncertainty
or error propagation, are all potential pathways for hazardous conditions
or catastrophic failures when dealing with complex systems in financial
markets, nuclear plants, surveillance and defense, etc. Similarly, the
handling of large quantities of data may require the use of distributed
environments where the probability of failure and the stability of the
algorithms may need in-depth study. Therefore, algorithms capable
of delivering robust solutions in the presence of erroneous or abnormal
inputs, resilient to failures or with performance guarantees, evolved to
be of crucial importance when applied to such systems.

The special issue will primarily focus on the solutions provided for
highly complex systems by applied and theoretical evolutionary
computation that advance the research in the field. The topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

· performance guarantee factors for large scale / highly multi-modal problems
· performance guarantees measures for existing algorithms
· highly complex systems optimization
· robust methods for large scale, high dimensional problems
· theoretical tools, components that ensure the robustness in practice
· mathematical objects and evolutionary programming
· robust / fast estimation of mathematical quantities
· particle methods, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
· spatial complexity of methods and its implications in practice
· robustness of parallel and distributed evolutionary optimization
· self-tuning, self-adaptive techniques
· particular issues (e.g. landscape analysis)
· swarm intelligence
· real-world applications

Important Dates

Submission of manuscripts:                     Jan 15, 2012
First revision notification:                          Apr 30, 2012
Submission of revised manuscripts:       May 31, 2012
Second revision notification:                    Jun 15, 2012
Submission of final manuscripts:            Jun 30, 2012
Final notification:                                        Jul 15, 2012
Expected publication:                                End 2012

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. For any
additional information please contact Alexandru-Adrian TANTAR or
Emilia TANTAR. A guide for authors, aims and scope of the Soft
Computing Journal and other relevant information for submitting papers
are available online at the following address:
Manuscripts have to be submitted online via

A PDF version of this call is available at



*Artificial Life 13*

The Thirteenth International Conference on
the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems

“Evolution in Action”

July 19–22, 2012, Michigan State University

East Lansing, Michigan, USA <>

You are invited to submit papers to the upcoming Thirteenth
International Artificial Life Conference.Please forward this call


It is a great pleasure for the BEACON Center for the Study of
Evolution in Action at Michigan State University to host the 13^th
International Artificial Life Conference.Artificial life (ALife)
refers to the synthesis and simulation of living systems as these
occur in nature and also to possible alternative life forms and
concepts that may not have occurred in natural evolution—that is, not
only in “life-as-we-know-it”, but also “life-as-it-might-be”.ALife
research may use not only biochemical models, but also computer models
and robotics.The Artificial Life conference is held every other year
under the auspices of the International Society for Artificial Life
(ISAL), alternating with the European Conference on Artificial Life.

This year’s major conference theme is “Evolution in Action.”Life is
shaped by evolutionary processes, and ALife models are a powerful way
to investigate and utilize this key characteristic of living
systems.We encourage submissions by biologists as well as by computer
scientists and engineers, especially interdisciplinary papers that
explore the many ways that evolution and artificial life research
intersect.Other tracks this year include Behavior & Intelligence*,
*Collective Dynamics, Synthetic Biology, and The Humanities and
ALife.See the list of tracks below for examples of topics that may
fall under these headings.


• Full paper/abstract submission deadline: 26 February 2012
• Notice of acceptance for full papers: 22 April 2012
• Early Registration deadline (required for presenting authors): 14 May 2012
• Camera ready deadline: 14 May 2012
• Conference: 19-22 July 2012


A submission can either be in the form of a */full paper/* or an
*/extended abstract/*.Full papers have an 8 page maximum length, while
abstracts are limited to two pages.Graphics and figures are
encouraged.All submissions must be made using a pre-formatted MS Word
or LaTeX template, which is available from the conference site.

All submissions will be subject to peer review.Submissions may be
accepted as either a talk or as a poster, with no distinction being
made between the two submission formats.

Every accepted full paper will be published by the MIT Press in an
online open-access proceedings volume.The top 10 accepted papers will
have the opportunity to publish a revised and expanded version in the
/Artificial//Life/ journal.

NOTE: In addition to the main conference, ALIFE 13 will host related
*workshops* and *tutorials*.  Details on proposing such events can be
found on the conference web site.


*• Evolution in Action - *Including evolutionary dynamics, simulations
of evolution, developmental systems, experimental**evolution, viral
and bacterial evolution, evolution of drug resistance.

*• Behavior & Intelligence -* Including animal behavior; evolution of
cognition and intelligence;**evolutionary robotics; embedded systems.

*• Collective Dynamics - *Including group selection; evolution and
stability of ecosystems; network dynamics; social dynamics; evolution
of cooperation and conflict; collective motion and swarming in animals
and animats.

*• Synthetic Biology -* Including synthetic cells, synthetic
organisms, biological engineering, artificial genetic systems,
artificial chemistry, origin of life, paleogenetics

*• The Humanities and ALife –* Including art, music, history and
philosophy of artificial life.

See the conference web site <>
for more detailed descriptions of each of the tracks.

Sender: Thomas Weise [log in to unmask]
Subject: Special Session and Competition on Large Scale Global Optimization

Call for Papers and Participations

CEC 2012 Special Session and Competition on Large Scale Global Optimization

In the past two decades, different kinds of nature-inspired
optimization algorithms have been developed and applied to solve
optimization problems, including Simulated Annealing (SA),
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), Differential Evolution (DE), Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Estimation of
Distribution Algorithms (EDA), etc. Although these approaches have
shown excellent search abilities when applying to some small or medium
size problems, many of them will encounter severe difficulties when
applying to large scale problems, e.g., problems with up to 1000
variables. The reasons appear to be two-fold. First, the complexity of
a problem usually increases with the number of decision variables,
number of constraints, or even number of objectives (for
multi-objective optimization). This emergent complexity might prevent
a previously successful search strategy from finding the optimal
solution. Second, the solution space of the problem increases
exponentially with the number of decision variables, and a more
efficient search strategy is required to explore all the promising
regions with limited computational resources.

Historically, scaling up EAs to large scale problems has attracted
much interest, including both theoretical and practical studies.
However, existing work in the areas of EAs are still limited given the
significance of the scalability issue. Due to this fact, this special
session is devoted to highlight the recent advances in EAs for large
scale optimization problems, involving single objective or multiple
objectives, unconstrained or constrained problems, binary or discrete
or real or mixed decision variables. Specifically, we encourage
interested researchers to submit their latest work on:

o Both theoretical and experimental analysis of the scalability of EAs.
o Novel approaches and algorithms for scaling up EAs to large scale
optimization problems.
o Applications of EAs to real-world large scale optimization problems.
o Papers on novel test suites that help us in understanding problem
characteristics are also welcome.

Furthermore, a competition on Large-Scale Numerical Optimization will
also be organized in company with our special session. This
competition is built on the successful special session and competition
on LSGO in CEC’2010. For the competition in CEC’2012, the previously
proposed CEC’2010 benchmark test suite, which consists of 20 benchmark
test functions capturing a range of problem characteristics, will be
used. Participants of the competition will be required to evaluate
their existing or novel algorithms using the test suite, and are
welcome to report their approaches and results in a paper submitted to
the special session. The competition will provide the participants a
great opportunity to compare their LSGO algorithms with others.

For more information about the special session and competition, such
as the deadlines and the benchmark problems, please visit the
corresponding webpages:

For Special Session:
For Competition:

Sender:  [log in to unmask]
Subject: Canadian Conference on AI 2012 - Graduate Students Symposium

         Canadian Conference on AI 2012 - Graduate Students Symposium
         May 27th, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
         DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 30st January 2012

AI 2012, the twenty-fifth Canadian Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, invites graduate students to submit four-page extended
abstracts of their thesis for possible inclusion in the AI 2012
Graduate Student Symposium and the Canadian AI proceedings published
by Springer.

Symposium Objectives

The Symposium provides an opportunity for Master's and PhD students to
discuss and explore their research interests and career objectives
with their peers and with a panel of established researchers in
Artificial Intelligence, helping to develop a supportive community of
scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.

The symposium will be a one-day pre-conference event, where students
of accepted abstracts will be invited to give a presentation on their
thesis work before a group of peers as well as a small team of expert
AI researchers who would offer a critique of each presentation and
provide support, advice, and mentoring. Each student may also be
invited to participate in the poster session during the main
conference. In addition, a small selection of the best student
submissions will be invited to give a short talk during the main

PhD and Master's students are invited to submit original work in all
areas of Artificial Intelligence. Submissions should have emphasis on
work in progress, with directions for future research clearly
indicated wherever appropriate. More weight will be placed on the
significance of the work, the proposed ideas or solutions, and the
overall presentation than on submissions which present work with
complete results.

Submission Details

Applicants to the symposium need to submit the following materials:

* A four-page thesis summary that outlines the problem being
addressed, the proposed plan for research, and a description of the
progress to date. The most successful applications directly address
all three of these components. Please be sure to distinguish between
work that has already been accomplished and work that remains to be
done. Be sure to include a title for your work. All submissions must
be written in English. Abstracts may be up to 4 pages in length and
must be formatted according to Springer's LNCS style. Please follow
the instructions for authors at Springer's site for authors. The use
of the LaTeX2e style file available at the web site is strongly

* Include a CV (at most two pages) that describes your background
and relevant experience (research, education, employment). Your CV
needs to include your anticipated graduation date, or it may be
rejected without review. Please include any additional items that may
indicate your potential contribution to, and benefit from, the

* A letter of recommendation from your thesis advisor. It must
include an assessment of the current status of your thesis research,
and an expected date for thesis submission. In addition, your advisor
should indicate what he or she hopes you would gain from participation
in the symposium.

* Participant's Expectations. A short (one page or less) statement
of what you expect to gain from presenting and participating in the
symposium, as well as what you think you can contribute to the
symposium. For best consideration, your statement must address both of
these expectations.

Please combine all materials into one PDF document submitted via EasyChar.

The Reviewing Process

Each abstract will be reviewed by a team of program committee members.
Presenting students will be selected based on clarity of the
submission, stage of research, advisor's letter and evidence of
promise such as published papers or technical reports. (Partial)
Financial assistance for travel and accommodations may be available to
the students presenting at the Symposium.

All students are encouraged to attend and participate in the
Symposium, whether or not they apply to present their work. All the
selected student presenters are expected to actively participate in
the full Symposium, as we envision participants gaining as much by
interacting with their peers as by having their presentations
critiqued by the faculty panel. In addition, a senior AI researcher
and faculty member will be invited to give a talk on a topic of
interest to graduate students.

Important Dates

Package submission due January 30th, 2012
Notification of acceptance March 3rd, 2012
Final paper due March 8th, 2012

Sender: "SIARRY Patrick" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Call-for-Chapters for a book "Heuristics: Theory and Applications"

Dear all,

I am editing a book with a quite general scope, entitled
Heuristics: Theory and Applications

I would be happy to get a chapter related, but not limited to the
following topics :
- Theoretical developments on metaheuristics (SA, TS, GA, ACO, GRASP,
variable neighbourhood search, guided local search, scatter search,
path relinking, ...),
- Adaptation of discrete metaheuritics to continuous optimization,
- Performance comparisons of metaheuristics,
- Cooperative methods combining different types of approaches
(constraint programming, mathematical programming techniques, ...),
- Parallel and distributed metaheuristics for multiobjective optimization,
- Software implementations,
- Real-life applications

Important dates

November 15, 2011 : response to that Call for Book Chapters, including
the preliminary title of the chapter and a short abstract.
January 15, 2012 : final submission of the chapter.
Mid-2012 : publication of the Nova Science Publishers volume.

Submission process

I encourage authors to send submissions via email in an electronic
form (PDF, Postscript, Ms Word) to  [log in to unmask] and
[log in to unmask]

Sender: Stefano Cagnoni [log in to unmask]
Subject: WIVACE2012: Italian Workshop on AL and EC

Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
"Artificial Life, Evolution and Complexity"
Parma, Centro S.Elisabetta - University Campus
20-21 February 2012

WIVACE  2012  will  offer  researchers  in  Evolutionary  Computation,
Artificial Life and Complex Systems  a chance to present their results
in a collaborative environment, in which knowledge can be shared based
on a multidisciplinary  approach to the study and  modeling of natural
biological  processes.  The  workshop  will include  oral sessions,  a
poster session, and a discussion panel.

We  invite   contributions  about  the  theory   and  applications  of
Evolutionary Computation  and Artificial Life, with  special regard to
the study of  the complex processes studied by  these disciplines and,
in particular, to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:

- Applications of Bio-inspired Algorithms
- Bio-inspired Computational Paradigms
- Bio-inspired Robotics
- Complex System Biology
- Emergent Behaviours
- Evolutionary Systems’ Dynamics
- Financial/Economical Systems
- Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
- Hybrid Optimization Algorithms
- Models of Collective Behaviour
- Parallel Implementation of Bio-inspired Models
- Self-organising Systems
- Swarm Intelligence e Artificial Ant Systems
- System Biology

Call for Papers
Two kinds of contributions will be considered:
- Communications (in English or Italian, up to 4 pages, presented as posters)
- Full Papers (in English, up to 12 pages, presented orally or as posters)

The contributions  can be submitted,  no later than 15  December 2011,
online at

The  proceedings will  be made  available online  and published  as an
ISBN-registered CD. A  selection of the full papers  will be published
(possibly  in  an extended  version)  in  the  book “Artificial  Life,
Evolution and Complexity” published by Springer.

Paper Submission: 15 December 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 10 January 2012
Final Version Due: 25 January 2012
Workshop: 20-21 February 2012

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Web site:
Facebook: WIVACE2012
LinkedIn: WIVACE2012



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End of Evolutionary Computation Digest